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Danna's POV

The time for us to have our wedding photos taken had come we did a spring theme surrounded by flowers in a garden everything was so beautiful.

Aron and I posed for our wedding photos and his cousin worked his magic on us. Most of the photos we had to pose in an intimate position and in two pictures we had to kiss. Aron had decided that we take a picture where my face would not be shown so that it will be shown to Lockwood Industries board of management as proof that he is married so he can seal the deal.

Once we were done we left for the wedding venue the drive was so peaceful. I had to change my wedding gown and wear a beautiful white elegant dress that was fit for the venue. I felt and looked comfortable in it.

The driver announced that we had arrived and Aron got out first and held out his hand for me to hold, he was so gentle with me and for a second I forgot I was only his wife on paper.

Thank God our wedding only consisted of close family and friends I don't think I would have been this comfortable if the audience was huge.

"Follow my lead okay" Aron whisperd to my ear

Once we reached the door our wedding planning announced our arrival and we walked in hand in hand smiling. Our wedding venue was on a another level, I can't believe Mrs Jennifer managed to pull of such in short notice she was totally something else.

Taking our seats at the huge table the party started both our families congratulated us they were so happy at the corner of my eye I saw that Aidan kept throwing glances at Isabella he just couldn't stop looking at her Isabella didn't even notice it.

"Now it's time for bride and groom to have their first dance as Mr & Mrs Mondragon" Ivan said through the mike

Grabbing my hand we made our way to the dance floor the spotlight was on us my nerves started kicking in I can't dance and last thing I want is to embrass Aron.

"Are you okay"? he asked maybe he saw right through me that I was nervous

I nodded and told him I can't dance

"Just take a deep breath and follow my lead everything will be okay" he assured me and he was completely right

We danced to "Major - Why I Love You" the dance was so slow and hypnotizing for a second there I got lost in his dark blue eyes. The song came to an end and he kissed my cheek making the audience scream my cheeks were full blown red. After our dance Mr Elias asked for my hand and we danced.

"Thank you so much sweetheart, I'll forever be grateful to you for coming into my son's life and teaching him how to love" he said with a fatherly tone

"No need to thank me Mr Elias I should be the one thanking you for raising a gentleman and humble man" I said with love and it was truth

"Come on sweetie now you are officially part of the family so the formalities should stop call me dad you are now my daughter" he said with love

I wanted to cry this family was something else from his parents,siblings and everyone else ever since I arrived the only thing I have received is nothing, but pure love and affection. I now have a father a man whom I could look up to,because my husband also looks up to him.

"Thank you dad" he kissed my forehand and led me back to my husband who was sitting at the table.

We sang,danced, laughed and celebrated till midnight,and after that we called it a night. Aron had used one of his hotels as accommodation for everyone else. That's where we returned to rest,since we are all in the same hotel Aron and I will have to share a room just for the night and Mrs Jennifer made sure we got the one that had one bed,I guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.

We all bid farewell and went to our rooms the moment we entered the room I went to the bathroom I needed a nice hot shower to relax then sleep.

Afte taking a shower I wore the silky pj's that where there and I tied my hear into a bun I took of my ring and put on the night stand and made my towards the couch with a blanket and pillow.

While I was making my self comfortable on the couch his voice stopped me

"What are you doing"?

"I'm preparing to sleep"

"I know you are preparing to sleep what I'm trying to say is why on the coach the bed is there " he said with a cold tone

"I thought we couldn't share a bed that's why" I responded

"True but that doesn't mean I'll let you sleep on the couch sleep on the bed I'll take the couch and that's final.

Not wanting to argue I made my towards the bed made myself comfortable and turned my back against him I could hear some shuffling on the couch till it stopped.

I felt bad the the couch was small and he was tall he wouldn't fit in it I had to do something

"Sir the bed is big for the both of us I don't want you to have a painful back in the morning I'll sleep on the left and you on the right, plus it's just for one night. PLEASE

"Fine but I hope you keep your word and stick to your side" he said with a firm voice

My heart was at ease now I felt the bed dip and I knew it was him no one spoke to one another it was just pure silence at least now I can sleep comfortably knowing he's also sleeping comfortably.

I'm so sorry for updating this late,I was so busy a lot has been happening,but nevertheless thank you all for reading. 😘💕

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