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Aron's POV

"Shit" was the only word I could mutter while the cold water was running down my body.

Why the hell did she have to fall on top of me worse she was practically half naked I'm no fool I could tell and feel that she was wearing nothing underneath.

Dammit I said while punching the wall.

The spark that shot through my body when her exposed skin came into contact with my body it was electrifying when she left I tried to ignore it and brush it off,but I failed miserably that's when I realized I needed a cold shower to calm down.

The last thing I don't want right now is to feel something, for the past six years I have buried feeling anything towards women I've been there before and I almost lost myself ever since then I made a promise to myself that no matter what  I'm never going down that road ever again.

I switched of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist, heading for the closet there was only one thing in my mind which was leaving this place tonight I need to have my own space and privacy, and I can't do that here because Nana and Papa are here we would have to keep sharing a room while at the same time playing husband and wife.

I know we had one more week left here, but she could always come back in the future with her friends and after two years she will have enough money to travel the world as she pleases as for now we are leaving and there's nothing she will say or do to change my mind.

Fully dressed in some casual clothes I went down the stairs to the living room,thankfully they were all watching TV making things much easier for me.

"Afternoon Nana and Papa" I said while kissing her on the cheek and then hugged Papa

"Oh my dear I'm glad you finally decided to come down "

"Sorry Nana I was caught up in something important, but nevertheless I wanted to speak to the both of you" I said calmly

"We are all ears my son" Papa said

" Tonight my wife and I are leaving something important came up and we have to attend to it immediately" Danna's jaw dropped to the floor, but she quickly composed herself you could tell she wasn't expecting any of this but she still played along.

"But sweetie you only have one more week left why do you have to leave so early" Nana said with teary eyes

"I know Nana,but I promise we will come back very soon but right now we have to leave due to certain circumstances that we can't control" I told her

She turned to Danna and said "But sweetie why didn't you tell me you are leaving when you came down"?

I quickly jumped in and answered "She just found out Nana since I also got the call while I was upstairs"

"Okay sweetie I understand let me cook dinner I want us all to have dinner together before you both leave "

I simply nodded

"Is there anything I can help you with Nana" Danna said

"Yes please my dear"

They both went to the kitchen and I stayed behind with my old man

"Come on son let's go to the garden it's been a while since we both sat down and had a good talk.

We went to the garden and sat down, I stared at the ocean just thinking from the corner of my eye I could see he was looking at me.

" You know Aron sometimes I see that you seem to forget that I know you very well my boy, I know you like I know the back of my hand" he said

"Now tell me what's going on between you and your wife cause to me when I look deeply at you guys,you are the opposite of a newly married couple, just that you are good at pretending and I can very well see right through you.

If there's one person who knows me the most aside from Ivan, Emily, Aidan and my parents it's my Papa.

Him, Ivan, my brother and father are the most closest man in my life, I trust them blindly and they can always see right through me.

"You know Papa I could never lie to you even If I did I just can't anymore" I said to him

"I'm listening son"

"Danna and I are married but only on paper and after two years we will go our own separate ways" I said to him

More on Aron's thoughts on the next chapter which I'll update later on today.😘💕

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