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Danna's POV

I stayed rooted at my seat I could barely utter a word to address what was happening around me. I was more in a state of shock and being frozen at the same time  all I could hear were insults being thrown at one another while Adrian and Ivan were trying to come down a fuming Aron who was not having it at all.

The way he jumped from his seat he was ready to lunge at Mr Lockwood. I still don't understand why Mr Lockwood would request such of me I'm already a married woman although he doesn't know, but even if I wasn't I don't think I would have accepted his son's reputation is not one for the books and I wouldn't want to involve myself in such.

"Aron please try and calm down fighting won't get us anywhere " Ivan said while still trying to hold him down

"How dare he requests such of us" Aron said with such venom

"To be honest Aron I'm only requesting Miss Rodriguez I don't know why you are so worked up about this and I'm sure Miss Rodriguez can speak for herself" he said sounding clearly annoyed

"I don't give a damn whether you are requesting this from Miss Rodriguez it's not happening, Miss Rodriguez comes as a package with us and I'd be damned if I were to allow you to use her to satisfy your personal needs which include your pathetic excuse of a son" he spatted a angrily

In that exact moment Brandon stood up anger was clearly evident in face I knew Aron had hit a nerve when he said that.

"This is much easier honestly it's either you accept what my father is offering to you or the deal is off and I'm sure Miss Rodriguez can speak for herself " Brandon said

"I guess the deal is off then" Aidan said with venom clearly laced in voice

"There are plenty of multi-million dollar business deals out there losing just this one won't affect us in anyway" Ivan said

Aron was grinning from ear to ear clearly pleased that his brothers had his back no matter what.

All heads turned to me when I finally decided to stand up and voice my opinion on the matter that was happening right before hand

"Mr Lockwood as a business man I totally respect you, but as a family man I've honestly lost my respect for you starting from today. It's painful to know that when you see me you saw a woman that can be bought and sold to the highest bidder just to please your son by trying to change him. He is like that for a reason because you lacked to discipline him instead you spoiled him way too much and neglected your most important role as a father which was to teach and nurture him the right way not by giving him expensive gifts and spoiling him" I said

"Listen my dear is not like that " he tried to speak

I raised my hand to stop him indicating that I wasn't done talking

"Whether it's how you wanna put it, I honestly don't care sir. I'm not doing it and I'm grateful that my bosses are standing up for me" I uttered

I turned to look at Brandon who seemed defeated from where he was standing and I said " as from today I hope you and I never cross paths " with that said I grabbed my bag and made my way out of the room leaving the Mondragon brothers to deal with it all Adam followed me to the car while Liam remained behind for safety purposes

I wasn't feeling so good at all about what I said in there because deep down I also married Aaron for his money I wasn't any different from the woman out there I was much worser then them and I honestly felt disgusted at myself for that I just wanted to get to my hotel room curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep.

The way the brothers defended and stoop up for me it clearly showed that I was one of their own and they always take care of their family. I was staring out the window so deep in my thoughts when I heard the door slam. It was Aaron and he was fuming Ivan and Adrian followed behind

"How dare he I'll kill him with my bare hands" Aron said

"Bro I'm extremely mad just as much as you are, but you need to come down a bit" Aidan said

"Don't tell me to fuckin come down Aidan it's my goddamn wife we talking about here" he said

Right then and there my heart dropped and I turned around to look at him all I could do in that exact moment was place my hand on top of his which was resting on his thigh to calm him down.

Tingles of fire crossed through my body when my hand made contact with his.

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Tell me what do you think of Aaron's reaction towards this whole thing?

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