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Aron's POV

Looking down at the contract right infront of me a smile made it's way to my face,I knew she would sign it and she did. Deep down I know I was wrong to use the loan issue against her,but I didn't have much of a choice. I may be many things cold and ruthless,but I never use people's struggles against them just because I've had it easy in life my parents never raised me to be that type of man. I was raised with strong values and principles,but coming back to the topic as I said I didn't have much of choice.

Leaning back on my chair I took out my phone and dialed Ivan and Aidan up for a group call.

"Hey bro what's up"? Aidan said the moment the call connected

"Hey man,let's wait for Ivan to connect too I need to talk to the both of you about something it's important" he simply nodded

"If it isn't my two loves" I swear Ivan just knows exactly what to say in order to annoy us every chance he gets

"First of all cut the crap Ivan I called you guys cause I have something urgent to discuss 7pm at my place and don't be late

"I had plans tonight bro, but I guess I'll cancel since it's urgent" Aidan said

"I guess I have no choice,but to cancel too" Ivan said

"Thank you guys and take care" I said before disconnecting the call no matter what I know I could always count on Ivan and Aidan only the two of them will know about the contract and what I'm planning to do in order for this to work I'll definitely need their help.

Pressing the button I called Miss Rodriguez to my office, two minutes later a faint knock sounded from my door.

"Not bothering to look up from my laptop I told her to come in and sit down" she did exactly that

I could tell she was nervous probably still digesting what I had asked of her. Well if that's the case I could try to understand,but she also needs to play her part and pull herself together.

"As you know after we signed the contract a lot still needs to be done and we don't have time two weeks is right around the corner. Tonight my chauffeur Adam will be waiting for you at the underground parking right after you knock off go there he will take you straight to my penthouse. The moment you reach the building make sure you enter using the entrance at the back so no one will see you Adam will show you the way and don't be late 7pm sharp I hope I made myself clear.

" Yes sir" she said in a low tone not the one I was pretty much accustomed to

"You may leave now" as soon as the news about my marriage breaks the country and world will go insane. Everyone will want to know who's the lucky woman, media companies will surely have something to talk about which will boost their ratings.

Checking my wrist watch I noticed that it was six pm already putting my suit on and fixing my tie I was already on my way heading home. Liam drove me home today since Adam would have to accompany Miss Rodriguez. Reaching the building I made my way towards my floor. Entering my penthouse the first thing that was on my mind is I need to freshen up and that's exactly what I did since I had a long busy day.

Thankfully I had asked Grace my housekeeper who also happens to be my nana to prepare some food before leaving. Now all that's left is for my guests to arrive.

Thirty minutes later the door bell rang, it had to be my assistant since Ivan and Aidan had the pass code they wouldn't have to ring the bell they would just get in like they always do.

Opening the door I knew indeed I was right she again looked nervous, but I understood why. I've never had a woman in my penthouse before so this is a first only my mom,sister and Grace were the only woman allowed in my penthouse the penthouse I owed 6 years ago I sold and bought this one reason is I didn't want to stay in a house that I once shared with her. She is my past a past that will forever remain in the past. And also because I like my personal space besides I don't feel comfortable with people knowing where I stay.

THE CONTRACT ARRANGEMENT Where stories live. Discover now