Chapter 5

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*👻Julia's POV👻*

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*👻Julia's POV👻*

The awkwardness between the rest of the gang, it was thick, I felt like I was being choked, when the burge arrived at Spooky Island I couldn't help, but jump for joy.

I got off the burge as fast as I could, people were welcoming us, putting creepy things around people's necks, I decline those immediately, in a nice way. There's no way I'll have creepy dolls hanging around my neck.

"'s a dead world after all, and the world famous splatter horn." A mechanical robot seems to be making the announcement, to welcome everybody.

"Scooby Doo and the rest of Mystery Inc! It's marvelous to see you." The robot yells out, it made us stop and stare and the thing.

We took a small step back as it's arms were swinging around like crazy, hitting someone in the process. "I'm so sorry!" It says, someone climbs out of mechanical robot thingy, with a lot of struggle might I say. The man came closer to us.

"Sorry, it's a new toy. I'm just sort of getting up to speed with it. Welcome." He says, I'll call him Mr Creepy, untill we finally have a name. I found him to be very odd looking and he seems to be insane.

"We didn't ask what your doing with that thing." I mumble sarcastically and like any other time, Shaggy was the one who heard me, I noticed, because he was trying to hide his smile.

Daphne finally caught up with us, with all of her luggage in tow. "Thank goodness, I was afraid I'd have to lug those up to the hotel." she says in relief, when she saw Mr Creepy.

"But, that's what Spooky Island's all about realizing your worst fears, I'm Emile Mandavarious, the owner of this amusement park." he introduces himself, and raining all over Daphne's parade.

"You seem less..."


"Then we have guessed."

I don't know why, but this guy was making me feel on edge and that freaked me out. "I can be pretty spooky when called upon, oh I can go..." he starts making fake growling noises and his hands was acting like they were gonna scratch something.

"Claws and everything. You wouldn't want to run into me in a dark alley." He told us, trying to be intimidating, but failed miserably, he just weirded us out even more.

"So you're the one who brought us here?" Velma asks, looking at him. "No. No, what brought you here was your insatiable appetite for a juicy mystery." Mr Emile tells her as he started walking.

Daphne joined his side, walking right next to him, I glanced behind us to see her luggage was just standing there, forgotten about.

"The truth is Mr Mandavarious, Mystery Inc is broken up." Daphne informs the owner of this island.

"That's the beauty of something broken, it can be fixed, and there in lies the potential, and I need you to fix Spooky Island." Mr Emile says looking at us, his eyes showed he was desperate for our help.

"What seems to be the problem Mr Mandavarious?" I ask.

"I believe someone is casting a spell on the students. Now listen and look around, can you notice any difference between those arriving and those departing?" He asked pointing in two different directions.

Anybody could have seen the difference immediately, if they didn't see it than they are really stupid. The students who just arrived was noisy and ready to get their party on like normal college students, the way normal college students should be acting, those ready to depart, looked like they were serving in the military.

"They look like sober well-behaved college kids." Daphne says, talking about the military line, it was rather unnatural, for students to act that way.

"Precisely and they didn't before they came. They've changed, in other words a magic spell." Mr Emile states, they looked more possessed than spelled, but that was only how it looks to me.

One of the guys who was on the burge with us, made his way towards the military line. "Carol! How was the Island?" He asks a girl, with a very unhappy look on her face.

"Are you tricking on me?" she asks, her voice had no emotion in it, and didn't seem to recognized the man. "It's me, Brad, we've known each other since we were, like, three."

She picks him up out of nowhere holding him  in the air and threw him, he landed on the ground rolling until he came to a stop right infront of us.

"Are you okay?" I ask helping him stand back on his feet, "Y-yeah, just a bit shaken up." He tells me honestly, before making a run for it.

"I'm terrified. The young people that came off that burge, the people I love the most, they're in danger." Mr Emile says, staring at us desperately.

"I will solve this one first." Velma states out of the blue.

"Not before I solve it first." Fred says, this entire situation was starting to get ridiculous.

"You guys are going to look like total idiots when you're captured and I save you." Daphne tells them with confidence. The three of them walks away, leaving me with Shaggy.

"Thank you, marvelous. Maybe we can celebrate later by having a little Spookapalooza." Mr Emile states, staring at us.

"Spookapalooza?" Scooby asks in fear, I rub his head in comfort, "It's just a drink Scoob." I told him, hoping that would reassure him that it's nothing scary at all.

"I can't believe they turned this whole thing in some competition." I say in disappointment staring up at Shaggy.

"I know, but maybe everything will, like, work out in the end." he says giving me a smile. I couldn't help, but smile back, I really hope he was right.


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