Chapter 8

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*👻Third Person's POV👻*

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*👻Third Person's POV👻*

They met Fred and Velma in one of the many passageways. "I found a neat and scary clue." Daphne says, showing the gang a weird piramide thingy.

"Us too, we think this is a brainwashing facility for an evil cult." Velma informes them of their findings too.

"Well, maybe this is the sacred relic thingy they worship." Daphne states. "We're all gonna be relics if we don't get out of here, man." Shaggy spoke up reminding them off the approaching footsteps headed their way.

The gang disguised themselves as some of the statues, Julia was the only one hiding behind a pilar.

A group of people, who are employees working for Mr Mandavarious, met each other in the middle of that hallway, Julia was only able to hear what they were saying, she didn't wanna risk taking a look and giving away her hiding spot.

"Sir, they found the Daemon Ritus."

"For your sake, they better not have gone far."

Julia heard a thud on the floor. "It is time to summon the big muchachos."

The group walks away, when Julia couldn't see them anymore, she came out from her hiding spot.

"Oh, no." Shaggy nervously says as a fart escaped him, the small fire infront of Velma made an explosion.

When they were sure the coast were, they ran out of the castle, laughing. Shaggy held onto Julia's hand tightly on their way back to the hotel.

*👻Julia's POV👻*

We arrived, back at the hotel, all the excitement had me a bit tired, but Shaggy was still holding onto my hand, so some good did come out of the night after all.

"Mystery Inc, you seem all rather, cheery. Good news I hope?" Mr Emile asks, stopping us in our tracks.

"Mr Mononeudeosis," Fred says mispronouncing the owners name, Mr Emile got an annoyed look on his face.


"We have hit a clue smorgasbord." Fred states happily. Velma takes out the Daemon Ritus showing it to Mr Emile.

"We have three suspects as who's behind this evil hoody." Daphne says, to the reclusive owner.

"N'Gooe'd. He believes your theme park's been built on enchanted ground." Velma says, refering to the guy she saw leading the bonfire, trying to scare the students.

"The voodoo man, who shrewdly tricked me into going to the castle." Daphne says, refering to the guy she met at the beach.

I look at Mr Emile, before I spoke up, "And than there's you as our last suspect."

"Me?" Mr Emile asks, sounding very confused.

"Gang let's split up. We'll meet back here in half hour. I'll interview employees, see if they've noticed anything odd." Fred states looking at each of us.

"I'm gonna get to work translating these inscriptions that Daphne found." Velma says.

"I'll go research cult on the net, Julia, you care to join me?" Daphne asks glancing at me. I look towards Shaggy, I would have loved to finish our conversation, we had earlier, but the mystery does come first.

"Yeah, Sure." I say following behind her.

*👻Third Person's POV👻*

Shaggy stared at her as she walks away. He didn't want her to go, his heart was aching to have her close, but he knew the mystery came first.


Daphne got up a little later, after she was sure she has gotten enough materials on cults. "You coming?" She asks Julia who was still very deep into researching.

"I'm gonna keep looking, I'll join you guys a little later." The strawberry blonde mumbles, looking back at what she was busy reading.

Time passed so quickly Julia didn't even notice, because she found something, it was very similar to what was happening on Spooky Island, slowly some things were starting to make sense.

Julia heard some heavy animalistic breathing behind her, grabbing her attention away from the articles she was reading.

Julia turned around coming face to face with a giant mutated face, she had no chance to run as she was frozen on the chair, it's mouth opens and green smoke came out, it entered Julia's senses, she started feeling woozy.

Julia heard screaming, yelling and running, hoping her friends were okay, the last thing she remembers is being dragged away like a rag doll, and getting knocked out.


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