Chapter 14

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*👻Third Person's POV👻*

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*👻Third Person's POV👻*

"Scrappy Doo." Velma says, revealing it to be a former member of Mystery Inc.

"Correction. The new, improved Scrappy." The small puppy started changing. "Because I'm Scrappy Dappy Doo. I've absorbed enough energy to..." his front leg got really big making him unbalanced falling over.

"To rule the world with my all powerful army!" His other leg got bigger aswell as his body. "And I've brought you here, puny pathetic Mystery Inc to witness my moment of triumph." Scrappy grew even bigger and taller, the gang watching in shock.

"All I need to complete my transformation is Scooby Doo and Julia Willows." Scrappy states looking at the two after his transformation was completed. Julia hid behind Shaggy clinging to his arm in fear. Shaggy tried his best to shield her.

"Me? Don't you mean Melvin Doo?" Scooby asks shaking, pointing at the other Doo.

"Seize them!" Scrappy yelled.

"Like, let's get out of here Scoob, Jewels." Shaggy says making a run for it, Shaggy held onto Julia's hand tightly.

"Take that pretty boy!" Scrappy says pushing Velma and Fred away, making them fall back. The other three tried running away from Scrappy, who was pushing away all the possessed students in his way. "This is totally ungroovy." Shaggy yelled in panic.

"Julia! Scooby Doo, where are you?" The giant dog yelled out following them.

"Yield to my puppy power."

Velma looks around, "We have to tip over the vat." she says. "How?" Fred asks. "The pincer! Come on!" Velma says running to the controls, but was grabbed. Fred grabbed one of the ropes, a pulley still attached, swinging it around. "You all need to step back, because Fredster got his groove on." Fred says, as he hits them with the pulleys.

Scrappy got ahold of Scooby. "Gotcha! You look so much bigger on TV!" Scrappy says, Scooby got loose and pulled out some of Scrappy's nose hair, it made him sneeze his snot all over Scooby.

"Shaggy! Julia!"


Shaggy jumped with Julia, grabbing Scooby as well, falling into the hole where he found Julia tied up. "Come back here, you lazy beatnik." Scrappy tried to get to them, but he was too big.

They bumped into Mary-Jane who kicked Julia to the floor and picked up Shaggy and Scooby by their throats against the wall.

"Oh crud!"

"Told you so!"

"Looks like I missed something." Julia says clutching her stomach in pain. Mary-Jane breath that green smoke in the boys faces, Shaggy tried to fight the feeling coming over him.

"Give me the dog first, I'll come and get the girl now." Scrappy ordered taking a hold of Scooby.

"Scrappy! Down! Sit! Bad Scrappy!" Scooby says flicking the big giant dog on the nose, making Scrappy scream out. "Let's finish this puppy! Now!" Scrappy held Scooby infront of the pincers. "Oh no. Not again!" Scooby says trying his best to stop the pinchers from taking his protoplasm again.

The Mexican wrestler came crashing through the vents tipping over the vat. The protoplasms went returning to their bodies, monsters appearing, as they're coming out of the bodies. The disco skull got loose hanging in the sunlight, reflecting the light all over the cave.

Mary-Jane got knocked backwards, releasing Shaggy, he quickly tried catching his breath, running to Julia. "Are you okay?" he asks, Julia stood to her feet. "Yeah, let's go save Scooby." she states. The monsters exploded as the light touched their skin.

"Mystery Inc, this ain't over! Not by a long shot!" Scrappy mutters running after them, they made their way down some steps, Scrappy jumping after them. "I'll rock you and sick you, and crush you like ..." Scrappy was interrupted with a tap on his shoulder, he turned around, to see Julia and Shaggy by the pinchers controls.

"Like dude..."


"You've been a very bad puppy."

The pincer pulled the Daemon Ritus off Scrappy's chest, all the protoplasms he absorbed came flying out of his body returning to their original bodies. Scrappy got turned back to his normal size.

"Come on! I can still take you! Put them up you mangy mutt!" Scrappy challenged Scooby. Scooby slapped him away, making him crash into the wall.

"Is that all you got?" Scrappy asks defeated.


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