Chapter 2 - First Day

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Eleanor's life had taken a dramatic downturn after the her parents' death. They had hit hard times and they were unable to fulfil their financial obligations. The shame had become too much to bear, and they saw no option but to end their lives.

Therefore, Eleanor was stranded and unable to provide for herself. She was left with nothing but a few shabby possessions and a wounded heart.

Despite Eleanor's grief over their passing, she was comforted to learn that a distant cousin named Hamish was planning a visit. For all she knew, Hamish was an angel sent to rescue her after reading his letter. As Hamish was the closest male relative, he volunteered to get her family out of their financial bind by inheriting the family home.

Reality screamed at her once he arrived.

Eleanor sat with her hands clasped tightly in the parlour of her home. But it was no longer hers, it was Hamish's home. Never before in her life had she felt so hopeless and alone. Hamish had just broken the most devastating news to her. He invited Eleanor to stay in the house she grew up in, but only on one condition. She was to marry Hamish.

Feeling conflicted, Eleanor thought that marrying someone she did not love was too much for her. She declined his proposal, as that was a belief that her parents had instilled in her from a young age.

"Your parent's love is what led them to her demise!" Hamish spit out, "I am offering you help, and you are in no position to decline."

"I shall work. I have the education to become a governess, a profession that is continuously sought after," said Eleanor, straightening her back while trying to exude confidence. She was looking to recover her freedom and establish a name for herself when she noticed an ad for a governess at Blackwood Manor. She had found her life's calling in working with kids, where she had always excelled. However, Hamish's anger led him to cut off all contact with her and forced her to leave immediately.

She had submitted her application but was not anticipating a response. Yet to her astonishment, a letter from the Duke of Arden himself had arrived, extending an invitation to meet with him. She was ecstatic. She had been given the impression that he was a demanding employer, but she was determined to win him over. While laying in bed, she though about Hamish and wondered how her life would have turned out if she had said yes to his proposal. She set such worries aside and focused on her primary responsibility as governess to the Duke's children.


Eleanor woke up bright and early the next day, eager to impress everyone on her first day at work. She wore her most understated outfit so that she would be nearly undetectable. She hurried through breakfast and then started her lesson with the children.

Two little girls sat on the floor with their dolls as she entered the nursery. They looked up as Eleanor walked in, and she greeted them with a friendly grin.

"Good morning, Miss Campbell," Elizabeth said brightly. "We've been looking forward to our lesson all night."

"Good morning, Elizabeth and Mary. Are you both ready for your first lesson?" Eleanor smiled, pleased to see the girl's enthusiasm.

All eyes were on her, and eventually, one of the girls spoke up. Elizabeth questioned whether or not the new governess would be as rigorous as the one before her.

She smiled and answered, "No, I believe in kindness and patience. However, discipline is essential when necessary."

The girls nodded, seeming satisfied with her answer.

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