Chapter 7 - Guests II

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Early in the morning, Eleanor gets out of bed both anticipating and dreading the day ahead. The children and Eleanor are to go on a walk in the gardens with Lady Caroline and the other guests. One of the gorgeous garments the Duke has given her is spread out on the bed and she examines it. It was one of the more simple dresses given to her, the dress was a dark blue that complemented her olive skin and fiery red hair. She fondles the smooth fabric, taking in the flow of the dress.

Eleanor takes a relaxing bath and then sits in front of her vanity. She decides to let her beautiful, crimson curls hang freely down her back as she brushes them out. She uses a minimal amount of powder to slightly bring up her inherent attractiveness.

After Eleanor finishes getting ready, she puts on the dress, which again fits perfectly. The skirt is full and billows arounder her ankles, all while the bodice is rather form-fitting. Slipping on a pair of blue heels, she checks her reflection in the mirror.

Eleanor is aware of the eyes that are watching her as she makes her way to the children's room. Just a few days ago, she was dressed exactly like them, helping them clean. Now, her style has been altered and she feels like she is no longer an employee but another guest at the manor.

After helping the girls into their formal attire, they joined what was to be all the guests. Yet, it was only Lady Caroline and the Duke in the garden. Lady Caroline wore a stunning deep green gown with a hat and gloves to match. Eleanor tried to keep her attention away from the Duke, she wished to remain professional, and keep a comfortable distance between the two of them.

They took a stroll around the grounds of the estate, with the Duke at the helm. The girls strolled close behind him, Lady Caroline's hand on his arm, and the girls behind them chattered excitedly about various things.

During the walk, the Duke would point out numerous sights situated on the estate, explaining the history of each one. Lady Caroline seemingly listened intently, hanging on his every word.

Eleanor's feelings of foolish jealousy grew stronger the more she saw the two of them together. She tried to convince herself, repeating the same words "I am nothing more but a governess", yet her attraction seemed persistent. It was unseemly to feel jealous of a guest, especially one who is vying for the Duke's attention.

They continued on for a while until they reached a pond that was encircled by towering trees and plants. It was a nice change, after walking under the blaring sun. Following the Duke's recommendation that they take a break there for a moment. They all proceeded to take a seat on the grassy bank.

Eleanor remained silent as she was once again preoccupied with her own thoughts as the Duke and Lady Caroline continued their chat. The girls began to play a game, but Eleanor did not join, instead just watched them. She was unable to shake the notion that the Duke's and Lady Caroline's personal relationship was something more platonic. It seemed like the Dowager Duchess' plan is working, and the manor will have a new lady.

The girls were running around, their laughter brightening Eleanor's sour mood. Lady Caroline stood under a tree, trying to shade herself more from the sun. The Duke joined the girls antics, he would pick them up and run.

"Papa, you're not allowed to take Mary," Elizabeth gasped between laughter, as she hurried after her father, trying to save her sister.

Unbeknown to them all, as the girls were running, Lady Caroline was making her way to the Duke. Elizabeth didn't notice the Lady and kept running. In a blink, Elizabeth had tripped and fell on the Lady.

As Lady Caroline stumbled, she let out a yelp of pain. Eleanor and the Duke immediately rushed to their aid. The Duke quickly, picked Elizabeth up and handed the child to Eleanor to check over properly. Eleanor sat Elizabeth down, checking over her for any injuries. Thankfully, the child was alright.

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