Chapter 15 - Tangled II

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Days turned into weeks, and Eleanor retreated into the solace of her routine. The manor echoed with the sounds of children's laughter and the rustling of books and she delved deeper into her teaching. She sought solace in the familiar rhythm of her duties, finding comfort in the bond she shared with Elizabeth and Mary.

Yet, as the seasons changed and the manor breathed a new life, Eleanor couldn't escape the tendrils of her growing feelings for the Duke. Her heart, despite her best efforts, refused to relinquish its hold on the possibility of a love that defied societal boundaries.

One evening, as the sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Eleanor found respite in the manor's cosy library. She immersed herself in the words of poets and philosophers, their thoughts resonating with her own yearnings. Lost in the pages of a beloved novel, she savoured the comfort found within the realm of imagination.

Yet fate seemed to have other plans.

While Eleanor turned a page, her eyes focused on the words before her, the creak of the library door shattered the tranquil silence. She looked up, her heart leaping within her chest, to find the Duke standing before her, his gaze unwavering.

"My apologies for intruding, Miss Campbell," The Duke began, his voice a low timbre that stirred something deep within Eleanor's soul. "I had hoped to find a moment alone with you."

Eleanor's heart fluttered like a trapped bird, her cheeks tinged with a delicate blush. She closed the book before her, her hands trembling ever so slightly, and met the Duke's gaze with a mixture of trepidation and longing.

"Your Grace," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, "what brings you here? To the library?"

The Duke approached, his steps measured and deliberate, until he stood but a breath away from Eleanor. His eyes searched hers, the intensity of his gaze both captivating and disarming.

"I have spent these weeks reflecting on the depth of my feelings for you," he confessed, his voice laced with a vulnerability that mirrored her own. "I can no longer deny the connection that has formed between us, nor the longing that fills my heart whenever I am near."

"Eleanor's pulse quickened, her emotions in turmoil. She yearned to surrender to the pull of his words, to allow her heart to guide her into his embrace. But the scars of the past and the weight of societal expectations held her back, casting shadows upon the path that lay before them.

"Your Grace," she whispered, her voice tinged with equal parts hope and caution, "we must tread carefully. The world is quick to judge, and our hearts may bear the brunt of its disapproval. And what of the Dowager, your mother! Can we truly find a way to be together, despite all that lie in our path?"

The Duke reached out, his hand hovering just above hers, the unspoken yearning pulsing stronger between them. "Miss Campbell, I will not deny the challenges that lie ahead, nor the sacrifices that may be required. But I am willing to face them, to fight for a future that allow our hearts to intertwine, If you are willing to take the journey by my side."

Eleanor's breath caught in her throat, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. In that moment, she saw in the Duke's earnest gaze the depth of his devotion, the sincerity of his intentions. And she knew, with a certainty that resonated within her very core, that their love was worth the risk.

The library, with its rows of leather-bound books and hushed whispers of wisdom, bore witness to a profound moment of surrender. Eleanor, her heart aflame with an intoxicating mix of trepidation and longing, stood before the Duke, their souls entwined in the fragile dance of possibility.

As the Duke's words hung in the air, Eleanor's gaze remained locked with his, the depths of their connections unfurling like a fragile blossom in the dawn of spring. She felt the pull of his presence, the magnetic force that drew them closer with each passing second.

A tremor passed through Eleanor's delicate frame as the Duke reached out, his hands warm and steady. Their fingertips brushed, igniting a current of anticipation that electrified the air around them. In that moment, all doubts and fears dissolved into insignificance, eclipsed by the fervour of their shared yearning.

And then, with a tenderness that stole her breath away, the Duke closed the distance between them. His arms enveloped Eleanor, his embrace a sanctuary in the storm of their emotions. She nestled against the firmness of his chest, her heart pounding in sync with his steady rhythm.

Eleanor's senses became attuned to the contours of the Duke's body, every sensation heightened by the pulsing energy that coursed through their intertwined souls. His touch, gentle yet possessive, caressed her back in a rhythmic cadence that mirrored the beating of her own heart.

In this embrace, time stood still. Eleanor felt the world fade away, leaving only the Duke and herself, entangled in a cocoon of intimacy. She closed her eyes, surrendering to the vulnerability of the moment, revelling in the strength of his arms as they held her with a firm yet gentle grip.

And then, as if aware of the profoundness of their connection, the Duke leaned his head forward, his lips brushing against the delicate skin of Eleanor's forehead. A whispered breath escaped her parted lips, a silent acknowledgement of the depth of her emotions.

His kiss, feather-light and tender, left an imprint upon her, a mark of their intertwined destinies. It was a gesture that spoke volumes, a promise etched upon her brow – a promise of protection, of devotion, of a love that would weather the storms of life.

But the Duke's adoration did not end there. With a soft sigh, he bestowed another kiss, this time upon the crown of Eleanor's head. His lips lingered, a testament to his reverence for the woman standing in his arms, a tribute to the strength and resilience that defined her.

In that fleeting moment, Eleanor felt the weight of her worries lift, replaced by a sense of serenity and belonging. The Duke's touch, his whispered declarations, painted a vivid portrait of a future they would build together – a future where their souls would intertwine, where love would triumph over all obstacles.

As their embrace lingered, Eleanor allowed herself to be enveloped in the Duke's embrace, her heart anchored by the knowledge that she had found a sanctuary in his arms.

In the sacred space of library, Eleanor and the Duke forged a bond that transcended the constraints of societal expectations – a bond rooted in authenticity and profound connection. They revelled in the beauty of the moment, cherishing the tenderness and vulnerability that wove their hearts together.


Thanks soo much for reading, I cant believe its chapter 15 already. 

There has been times where i've questioned whether or not I wanted to carry one writing this, but I've seem to have grown an attachment to my characters. 

The song above was a song I listened to while writing this chapter, so i thought to just include it. 

Also, I think I'm just going to upload whenever but It wont be long gaps at most 1-2weeks. As I just want to write, and not have burden hehe. 

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