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After reading the message from Felix, he immediately jumped up from his bed and checked how long it would take him to get to the address his best friend had sent him. A ten minute walk away.

He took a hoodie from his closet, pulled it over the shirt he had actually put on to sleep and put on his shoes with sweatpants that he would never wear outside, but he didn't care at that moment.

He grabbed his headphones, his tote back where he threw his phone in after turning on some music and left his house without taking his keys, to his unluck.

He walked in quick, big strides to get there as quickly as possible, and he hated walking around in the dark, so he pulled his hood over his head for comfort.

The door to the stairwell was open, so he quickly ducked in, turned on the light, and found the door number where Felix was. As he stood in front of the door and remembered  that Felix wasn't alone. 

Mister Mysterious is here too! I forgot... 

Hesitantly he knocked with shaking hands and squinted eyes, which was a habit of his when he got nervous. A few rapid heartbeats later the door opened and a stranger stood in front of Jisung. He had already opened his eyes again and he scrutinized his opponent very carefully. Wow he is so damn handsome. "Who are you?" asked the older one and Jisung felt a weird feeling all over his body. 

His voice.

Jisung could have sworn he was standing in front of the other with his mouth open. He might even  have drooled a little. 

"Who are you?" he asked again slightly annoyed, since he was actually already very tired. "Uhm," the younger one scratched the back of his head, "I'm a friend of Felix's. He's not feeling too well right now and asked me to come over." 

Minho raised an eyebrow and said a little upset, "At this time?!" He sighed a little louder. "I'll go crazy if I keep living with him," he murmured to himself. "Felix! Your friend is here!" he yelled as if he were a parent yelling at his child when a friend of theirs came to visit. The older one sighed again and annoyed and desperate, he stroked the left side of his face. "Sorry, I'm tired and then almost always very annoyed."

Minho stepped aside to let Jisung in and the younger one said, "It's oka-" Felix, who came out of a room, eyes red from crying, interrupted him, "Jisung! Thanks for coming here." He wrapped his arms around him and started crying again. 

Minho closed the frontdoor and walked away from the two of them, Jisung caught a glimpse of the latter pulling out his phone and typing something into it, shortly after something vibrated and emitted a message tone in Jisung's tote bag.

But the other didn't care, he believed that it was just a coinsidence, whereupon he disappeared into a room. Jisung's hands began to stroke Felix's back in circular motions while he kept telling him that everything was okay.

They broke the hug and Jisung looked his best friend in the eye. "Do you want to tell me exactly what happened?" The one day younger just nodded and then sat down on the sofa, which the other did too.

"Jeongin called me and I didn't answer at first, but the second time he called I felt bad, so I picked up and he sounded a bit angry already. He tried to keep calm and we talked like normal people but then I said something I don't even know what and he snapped at me so I snapped back," he wiped away a few tears.

"We then started arguing about stupid things and then he started yelling at me, so I yelled back and felt bad straight away. He's said so many things he doesn't like about me and I don't know if he was just mad and said it out of anger or if he really meant it.

Jisung, he told me that he would never speak to me again. I don't want this... I don't want to lose him. It could ruin our whole friendgroup. And you're here, he'll hate you too when he finds out..."

The other listened carefully and holded Felix's hand to comfort him.

"Jeongin is like that sometimes. He's almost like he's on his period from time to time. Don't worry too much, okay? He was just worried about you and when a lot of emotions overflow him, he doesn't know where to put it and then he gets angry. Don't worry. I know him well enough and I promise he'll text or call you soon and apologize a thousand times," Jisung smiled lightly throughout he stroked the back of Felix's hand.

The two were silent for a moment until Felix nodded and thanked Jisung. He looked into the older's eyes, squeezed his hand briefly and said, "You should stay here and go home tomorrow."

Jisung nodded and the two went into the guest room, which was now Felix's room. They were both too tired to change, and Jisung was wearing comfortable clothes anyway, so they just lay down and turned out the light.

There were a few unread messages on Jisung's phone, but he would read  them a day later.

After lying in the dark for some time, Felix still had his eyes open. He was having a hard time sleeping, so he whispered, "Can we cuddle?"

"Of course," Jisung whispered back and the next moment Felix lay down closer to him and wrapped his arms around Jisung. "Don't worry, my heart already belongs to Changbin," Felix whispered with a big grin on his face. The other just smiled and closed his eyes again. And soon they both fell asleep.


I know I meant I would only upload every day but in 10 minutes it's the next day in my time zone so I'm already posting. ~Yumi

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