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"You guys are terrible in this game," Seungmin groaned. They only made it to the third level. Once on the white side was the cards numbered 2, 4, 10 and then 41 because Jisung thought it was a 14.

They were about to play one more round when Seungmin leaned his head against the table and murmured, "I don't like it anymore. Let's play something else."

"How about wizard?" suggested Jeongin. "Another complicated game? I don't have the nerves for it, how about exploding kittens?" said Felix.

"How about a drinking game," said Chan with forming a grin on his lips. Minho let out a sigh while the others happily agreed. And then they started playing a simple drinking game, and the person who wanted to drink the least drank the most.

"I hate alcohol," Minho whined while hugging Chan's arm and not wanting to let go. "You say that every time," Seungmin said laughing.

Jisung observed the behavior of the others. He watched how Jeongin was still next to him, trying to avoid anything Felix said to him, how Chan patted Minho's head like he was a cat an how Hyunjin and his boyfriend were still sitting almost exactly the same as they were at the start of the games night.

"Why you still mad at felix?" Jisung whispered, to Jeongin who looked at him briefly. "I don't want to talk about it," the youngest whispered back, crossing his arms. The others talked to each other or made fun of Minho, which was why they didn't hear the two of them whispering to each other.

Jisung briefly considered whether he should address what was swirling around in his head. Even though he knew that the other would not react well, he said: "Is it because of Changbin?"

Abruptly, Jeongin stood up with his fists clenched, drawing everyone's attention to him. He had to get out of this room, it was all too much for him and he didn't want everyone to see him bursting into tears so he went into the next room, which turned out to be a bedroom.

After slamming the door a little too hard, he let his tears flow freely.

Everyone was quiet in the living room. Chan looked at Jisung and then said, "Did you bring it up?" The younger one played with his fingers and tried to get something out of his mouth: "I- Yes... I wanted to- I'm sorry."

"I'll go talk to him," Chan said softly, standing up after shaking Minho off of him.

Minho groaned, whined, and said incomprehensibly, "I need someone to cuddle." His eyes were half closed and when no one answered he got up and sat down next to Jisung.

"The others are all such stupid lovebirds and they all have someone to cuddle with. You're the only one who can't cuddle with anyone so cuddle with me now," he said even though only half of it was understandable. In the next moment he wrapped his arms around the younger one.

In the room next door was Jeongin, still crying and when Chan walked in he wiped them away and pretend everything was fine. "Do you want to talk about it?" said the elder softly and sat down on the bed that was in the room. "About what? About never being able to forget Felix?!" He was upset and all sorts of emotions coursed through his body. 

He sat down next to Chan and sighed: "I fell for him in high school and when he rejected me, half my world collapsed. But he was always by my side, we were always friends, he acted like I never had told him how I felt. But you saw it live, so why am I telling you this?" 

More and more tears ran down his cheeks before he continued: "I suppressed my feelings and I thought I didn't feel anything for him anymore, but since Changbin became more important in his life it feels like my heart was broken all over again."

Chan gently stroked the others back and began to speak in an encouraging tone: "I know it's hard but it will pass. You will find someone who can give you that love back, even if it takes a few years. There is surely someone waiting for you but you both don't know yet."

"But what if not?" the younger one murmured, wiping away tears. "Try not to think like that. I promise there will be someone you will like who isn't Felix." A warm smile formed on the older's lips and he took Jeongin into his arms, causing the latter to burst into even more tears.

After some time, Jeongin turned away from the hug and said in a cracked voice, "I should apologize to Felix. He thinks I'm angry with him for ghosting us but, I just didn't know how to deal with my feelings."

Chan smiled again.
"Do that."


And then he called me love (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now