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(Jeongin PoV)

Hey Felix
I know I apologized at the games night but I still feel kind of bad

It's okay Jeongin
I am not mad I was never mad

I'm mad at myself
I was just so jealous


Doesn't matter
I am just so sorry

And as I said it's okay

You wanna drink some coffee with me?
Minho works at a cat café we can meet there

I can pick you up from home
Like we used to do in high school

Okay come pick me up at at half past three


Felix and I are going to get coffee and I dont want to be alone with him pls come to me and act like you stayed the night over

I am at work

No youre not
you sent me your roster for the whole month
please i can't do it alone

Why did I send you my roster...
I'm really tired today
You sure you can't do this alone?

Yeah more than sure
Jisung please I beg you

When should I be there?

As soon as possible he will be there around  half past three

And thank you I love you so much

I owe you, I know how important it is to sleep for you when you're tired

When Jisung arrived at Jeongin's home, the younger boy hugged him tightly and thanked him a few more times. Jeongin offered his best friend a water and threw a cheesecake snack at him, which he caught and immediately ripped open and shoved the bar-like cheesecake into his mouth.

With his mouth full, Jisung muffled: "Which cafe are we going to?" 

"I don't know, Felix chose it," the other replied, dropping onto his chouch next to Jisung. They were silent, the only thing that could be heard was Jisung chewing. After a while there was a knock on the door and Jeongin forced Jisung to open the door. 

"Oh hey Jisung what are you doing here?" asked Felix who was standing in front of the door and smiled. "I stayed over for the night. I heard you two are going to a cafe can I come with you?" Felix didn't hesitate with his answer: "Sure."

The younger came over to the other two and tried to act as natural as possible. The three made their way to the café, having to catch the bus, where they sat down and chatted like they always did in school.

It was nostalgic which made everyone a little bit happy but also sad. They missed the old days but didn't miss it at all. They were happy to be grown up but it all happened too fast. So it was great for the three of them to just switch off and talk about things.

When they got to the café they walked in and were greeted warmly by the shop assistant as well as a cat who snuggled up to Felix's leg but then ran away again.

Luckily for Jisung, Minho wasn't working that day, which would probably have got complicated. He felt so bad already and would love to tell him anything he didn't know, but he just couldn't manage to tell him.

They drank their coffees except Felix who had ordered a juice and continued talking about some things until Jisung had to use the bathroom and the other two stayed alone.

There was an awkward silence for a moment before Felix tried to start a conversation. They started talking about what they would rather be doing, running around barefoot in the cold snow or in the rain without a t-shirt. Neither of them knew how they came up with this topic.

Suddenly Felix felt something crawling on his lap, a white fluffy cat, which he stroked and made it purr. Jeongin regarded his counterpart with a smile for a long time until the older one looked up and made eye contact with the younger one.

"You still love me right?" Jeongin's chest tightened and his smile faded.

"I'm sorry Innie that I can never give you this love back, but someone else will be able to give it to you. You just have to be a little patient and someone will come into your life who isn't me," Felix said in a warm voice and could see tears forming in the other's eyes.

"No please don't cry, I'll always be there for you. And for me, our friendship doesn't change because of that, I love you as a friend and I don't want it to be destroyed just because I can't give that back to you what you give me. I tried to love you because I didn't want you to feel alone, but I can't decide that any more than you can."

"I know," Jeongin whispered "And I'm glad you stayed," he said, wiping away the tears that were coming out of his eyes.

"I'll stay. Forever," Felix said a smile forming on his lips. He reached across the table and took the other's hands and caressed them for a moment.

And that made Jeongin realize that even if Felix will never love him, he will always be there for him as a friend and he couldn't give that up.

Soon Jisung came back, who had intentionally left the two alone, which Felix had asked him to do in a message, so he could talk to Jeongin.

The three of them started talking about school times which led to Chan and calling him to come to the cafe as well. What he did an hour later.


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