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Guys i've only been abroad twice, once in italy which i can't remember because that was a long time ago and once in germany and we didn't see anything but lego land. That's why Minho is now in Austria, Vienna, because that's where I live and that's where I can best describe everything. Even if I hardly go out... I mean I have to because of school and stuff like that. ~Yumi

We can do this.

"I miss you," Jisung breathed sleepily into the phone. Minho was awake, looking out the window at the trees on the other end of the line. "Shall I let you sleep?" asked the elder softly.

"No. I hate the time difference Min, I could cry," the other mumbled, his eyes falling shut again and again.

Jisung tried to stay awake but the tiredness was stronger so he slowly fell asleep and didn't notice what Minho was saying anymore. "and I- are you sleeping?" He waited for an answer. He's asleep.

"I love you, Sungie, sweet dreams," he whispered, then hung up. "Since when do you say I love you?" asked Minho's father's assistant Yu-Jun. She knows Minho since he was a little boy and was sort of like an older sister or aunt to him. 

She was sitting on the bed in the hotel they were staying at. Minho turned away from the window and said: "It was also the first time I said it to him. It just came out of me without thinking... But he had already fallen asleep."

"Cute," she said, eyeing Minho for a moment. "Have you told your parents yet?" Minho nodded. "My dad wasn't too keen on it but mum is always supportive and controlling him," he said, looking a little dejected.

"Hey don't worry too much, your father is a jerk sometimes but he still loves you," said the older one, smiling at Minho. 

"I know. I've already done my work for today, I'm going to see the city a bit. "Okay. Have fun," Yu-Jun said, watching Minho walk out the door.

He walked down the hotel stairs while putting on his headphones and turning on the music. As he walked out the door, a light breeze came his way. There was a well-known shopping street in Vienna near his hotel, which was why he made his way there. He set himself the task of finding the inner city and back to the hotel without a navigation system. 

He quickly found the shopping street and walked along it. He wondered why hardly any people were there and why it seemed like all shops were closed. He slowly walked down a side street where he finally saw an open shop.

 A little bubble tea café. 

He opened the door slowly and saw a woman with a book standing behind the counter. It was a nice little café. A few tables by the window, slightly better seating on a raised platform adorned with fake leaves and some lights. Around the corner was a hammock also decorated with fake flowers. 

Music was playing softly and the only people in the café were Minho and the woman behind the counter. When she saw him she laid her book away, smiled a little and asked: "Was darfs für dich sein?" 

The taller one looked at her confused. He had no idea what she was saying. "Uhmm..." 

"Oh, I'm sorry. What would you like to order?" A little nervous, Minho tried to order something in English. "That'll be six euros, then," she said what the other handed her and then sat down with the bubble tea. He drank it while listening to the music listened to what was being played. 

After a while he finished and asked why it looked like no shop was open. "on Sunday there are no shops open except cafes and restaurants but they are open shorter than usual," she answered and he thanked her as he walked out of the cafe.

He continued down the long street, turning a few turns, until he came to a tall building. he found out that it was the art history museum of vienna and directly across from it was the natural history museum. 

He snapped some photos and sent them to his boyfriend who was probably still asleep. 

At some point he had arrived in a park and was strolling around in the city park. There were some people having picnics and also a few people smoking weed. He ignored them and sat down on a bench. 

I wish Jisung was here. I'm sure I would like it here.


"Why did I get on a random subway?" Minho asked Seungmin with whom he was on the phone. The subway drove and wobbled a little wilder every now and then. "Should I just get out?" Without waiting for his best friend to reply, he got out and looked at the station sign. 

"Hietzing... where the fuck am I?" Minho could hear Seungmin laughing. "I don't know exactly where you are either, but what I know from my memories is that Schönbrunn Palace is nearby." 

"That doesn't help me!" said the older one, annoyed. "I know. Use google maps and you'll find your way back." "Yeah ok fine," he said still annoyed and hung up. 

Even if he wanted to find his way back on his own without any help, in the end he used a navigation system.


I'm sorry for this boring and short chapter. I could have done a lot more with it. But now you know a little bit more about vienna haha. ~Yumi

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