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The plants twining around the rails and the white flowers peeking through the ground were a beautiful sight. Jisung looked at the tangled trees and branches through which no train could pass.

They passed an old train station that was no longer used and arrived at a bridge covered with plants. A small river flowed under it.

"How did you find this place?" asked Jisung in amazement.

"I walked around one day and found this," Minho awnsered and watched as the younger ran to the bridge to stand on it. He looked down to the water and inhaled the smell.

"You know, in the book the first to die at the end, the prequel of they both die at the end, one of the main characters named Orion takes the other main character Valentino to a location, they cross an old disused train station and arrive at a bridge. I pictured it the way it is here."

"It looks just beautiful," said Minho, standing next to Jisung and running his fingers through his hair. "I like to come here when I want to rest, sometimes I take my notebook with me, it's always the best place for me to concentrate on my stories."

"I should come here and read some day."

"You should."

Their eyes met and the only thing Jisung could do was to smile. He wanted to get closer to him, he wanted to take his hand and feel his fingers, he wanted to know how the other person's hair felt, he wanted to slide his hand over his cheek, he wanted to be close to him, but his body wouldn't allow it, or rather his mind?

Like there was a wall in front of the two and he couldn't reach out for the other. His head told him not to let him touch him, because if he touches him, he will be touched by the other too.

"You are the first person i took here," Minho said keeping the eye contact. "Really?"

"Yes, you're special to me just like this place."

Jisung's heart stopped. He knew that he was special to the other, he knew that what they had was different than what he had with his friends. It was special even if they didn't know everything about each other. It felt so special.

"You're being so cheesy Min," Jisung breathed out a breath he didn't know he held. "I know, I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

They didn't move closer or away from each other they onlyleaned against the terrain watching the water under them.

They were silent the only thing that was heard was the wind blowing and the birds chirping. They enjoyed the moment together and Jisung started thinking. Was he really just thinking too much? Can he trust Minho? Can he let Minho touch him?

"Min?" the younger one broke the silence and looked at him. "Mh?"

"Can I take your hand? I want to know how it feels," he spoke quietly.


Minho stretched out his hands to the other so that he showed the number ten and Jisung hesitantly clasped his hands in them. The elder's hands were cold in contrast to Jisung's hands which were always warm.

A slight tingling ran through Jisung and he began to breathe heavily. It was as if his air would be constricted. Still, he didn't let go. He looked at the folded hands and then squeezed them gently.

"You feel so real."


Sorry it's a bit short ~Yumi

And then he called me love (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now