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𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎

"Staying or visiting?"

"Only visiting," I smiled softly at the muggle airport lady. It was the first time I flew, and I kind of felt excited once we landed. "Two weeks."

"Welcome to New York," she smiled.

"Thank you," Cael said behind me, taking our fake muggle passports.

"This is exciting," I squealed, looking up at Cael. "It's like that first train ride, or that first boat ride. It gave me goosebumps."

He laughed, before thanking the lady, taking our passports. We proceeded to get our luggage - which was only one bag, due to Pansy's terribly short notice - before we walked to the exit.

We were barely out the door when I saw an overly excited twenty-six-year old girl jumping up and down through glass walls. She seemed quite excited to see us. Behind her was Draco, looking as dark and gloomy in a black suit.

"Belle!" Pansy creeked across the waiting area.

She literally jumped me to the ground. My feet slipped under through me, and both of us stumbled down onto our backs, but she didn't get off. She sat up straight, straddling me.

"You fucking made it!" she squealed.

"You're embarrassing us, Pansy. Get up," Draco said as he stepped behind us. He gave Cael a simple handshake, before helping his fiancé to her feet, off of me.

I stood up, smiling, as Cael took the bag from me.

"I can't believe you actually came," Pansy beamed, her lips wide in a smile.

"I had no choice," I admitted. "Cael forced me."

"Thank you," she mouthed to him, making me laugh.

My eyes met Draco's. "Malfoy," I nodded.

He smiled weakly. "Belle."

"Come on!" Pansy squealed, grabbing my hand. She pulled me to follow after her, and I did so, leaving the two boys - I mean men - to walk alone. They didn't complain.

"That was quick," Pansy smiled as she wrapped his fingers into mine.

I shrugged. "It just... happened..."

She scoffed. "Please, Belle. You started dating and moved in together within the span of a year. Do I hear wedding dress shopping?"

"For you!" I laughed. "Merlin, fuck no. I'm not ready to move that fast."

"Come on!" she pleaded. "I want to see you in while. Screw my wedding. I want to see yours!"

"In the future, yes," I laughed. "But not soon, Nancy. One day."

"I'll make it soon," she said. "I'll make sure of it."

"Please, Merlin no," I complained.

"But when do I get to meet him?" she pouted. "I thought he was flying with you?"

"He's a little late. Caught next flight. He'll be here in about ten hours, I think."

A smile spread her lips. "Can I know his name?"

"No," I smiled. "You'll know it when you meet him."

Pansy laughed, wrapping her arms around my right. I smiled, resting my head on hers as she rested hers on my shoulder.

"I missed you."

"You too," I sighed.


"You're fine sharing a bed right?"

"Fuck," I groaned, looking down at Pansy as she laughed. "Yes. We've had sex. Fuck sakes. We live together, Nancy."

She gave an innocent look, while Draco unlocked our hotel room door. He had gotten a four bedroom room, one for me and my boyfriend, one for Cael, one for them, and the last for Astoria and her boyfriend.

"You sure Astoria is alright with this?" I asked Pansy as we entered.

She nodded. "She seemed alright. I'm sure she's fine. She's bringing Christian with her, you know."

"I heard," I said as we looked around the lounge. "I'm just a bit worried that Draco will get a spin on things once he sees her with someone else."

"Belle," Pansy said as she turned to face me. "Draco knows boundaries. Dating someone else before the actual wedding is crossing said boundaries. He knows that. And anyways, Astoria isn't going to want anything to do with him then. She's here for me, remember?"

I nodded, before sighing. "I'm just worried, that's all."

"Belle, come check this out!" Cael called from a different room.

With a smile I made my way to his room, only to find him already laying on the bed, his hands behind his head on a pillow, and his legs crossed.

"This is one fucking cozy bed."

I laughed, rolling my eyes. My eyes scanned the room, seeing a cute vanity, and sliding door closet - a mirror on said door, like in my apartment back in London.

"This is a cozy room," I admitted, walking into our single bathroom. Inside was a shower, sink and toilet. "Really cozy."

"Your room looks the same," Pansy smiled from the door. "Every room does. So do the bathrooms."

"I'm hungry," Cael groaned from the bed.

"Starving," I basically echoed, looking at Pansy. "Dying."

She rolled her eyes at my drama, before exiting the room. "Blah blah blah. Come on."

In over excitement, the twenty-six-year old got off the bed and rushed out of his own hotel room before I could even start walking. I laughed.

The four of us went down to the Hotel restaurant and got us a table of six, knowing that Astoria and her boyfriend would arrive soon. We ordered a round of drinks, and some fries to feed Cael.

They started off a conversation about Draco's job at the ministry. They were so thankful that we helped take Voldemort down eight years ago, that they basically begged us to work for them. Draco did, eventually, along with many others, but some of us didn't want to. We felt safer outside the ministry, and they respected our choices.

My eyes scanned around the room, bored by Draco's smut. Then, for barely a second, I felt a rock hit my chest as I saw a face that I haven't seen in eight years. Some guy looked like Mattheo Riddle, and my heart skipped a beat.


My eyes shot up to Astoria, and her boyfriend behind her. By the time I looked back at the stranger, he was gone. My heart sank. People looked so familiar lately.

"Astoria! Christian! Hi!" Pansy leaped up, wrapping her arms around one before the other. "Welcone, welcome."

I smiled, looking up at them. "Hi guys!"

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The Lestrange behind it all {M.R.}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα