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𝙲𝚊𝚎𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚝

"Where is she?" I asked, rushing through the apartment.

Kyle just stood in the kitchen against the counter with a black eye and a careless gaze, while drinking coffee.

"Where is Belle, Henderson? Pansy and Draco are starting to get seriously worried!" I groaned.

Kyle frowned deeply. "What the hell? She's not with-"

"It's been a week," I said as I stepped out of their bedroom. "What did you do to her?"

Kyle frowned, scoffing. "I did nothing. I already told you, Ankerst. I woke up, and she was gone. Maybe she's on vacation?"

"You don't seem to care?" I asked with my eyes narrowed. "Your fucking girlfriend is missing and you're looking at me carelessly. What the fuck, Kyle?"

He scoffed, putting his cup down in the sink, pouring water in it to avoid stains. Belle hated coffee cup stains.

"Her clothes are still here, and her plants have water; which means you know she's coming back. When?"

"I don't know," he groaned. "I don't know, Ankerst. Leave me fucking be-"

"Then what happened to you eye?" I asked, and he finally looked at me.

"None of your concern-"

"It's a week old," I pointed out. "Did she do that to you?"


"Did she have a reason to?" I asked, and he scoffed.

I knew Kyle could be a bit violent sometimes, but never enough to have her fight back that badly. Although, I knew from experience that Belle could give a mean black eye.

Kyle glared at me. "Why would you think that she'd give me this?" he asked, gesturing to his eye. "I did nothing to her-"

"Then where the fuck is she?" I started yelling again.

"I told you," he said in irritation. "She packed up, and left."

I scoffed. "She did not fucking pack up, Kyle. Shes surely gone, but everything is still here!"

Kyle glared at me, but this time didn't argue back. Instead he just turned around, opened the cupboard above the sink, and pulled out a labless bottle of what I presumed was Rum.

"Why are you so calm?" I asked, completely confused.

He took out two glasses, before placing them down onto the island. I watched, my words vanishing from my mind. He poured each one half, before closing the run bottle, putting it aside. He slid a cup to me, and stood back again with the other in his hand.

"You're too calm for me," I said at last, before taking the glass. "What happened, Kyle?"

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𝙺𝚢𝚕𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗

I could not remember what happened. I did not know what happened to Belle. The moment I got a little hands with her, I was knocked to the ground. Someone did yell something, but I did not know who.

"I cannot remember," I answered, before taking a sip of the Rum. "The one moment we got heated in the bedroom, the next someone yanked me off of her, and hit me down-"

"Heated?" Cael frowned. "Do you mean-"

"I mean sexually," I lied.

He must've believed me. "Right. You expect me to believe you, Kyle?"

I shrugged. "You do not have to," I clarified. I saw him expect me to say more, but I had nothing else to say.

At first I thought it might have been Draco and his men from the Ministry, but then Cael would have known for sure. I truly did start to panic when he came bursting it half an hour ago, suddenly searching the place. He's delusional to think I was hiding her from her own friends.

"So someone took her?" he questioned, and the realization and panic hit him. "I do not see how that's not a problem at all."

"I thought it was Draco," I started explaining. "Until you came barging through this apartment of course. I figured that Draco might've-"

Suddenly the apartment door flew open, and both our heads cocked towards Mattheo Riddle as he walked into the apartment, two of his men behind him.

"Mattheo fucking Riddle," Cael said as he reached for his wand.

Mattheo looked Cael up and down. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Looking for Belle," he answered. "She's missing, you know. Vanished."

Mattheo's eyes moved to me as Cael spoke, and his frown deepened. I noticed a muggle gun in his hand, and a death stare in his gaze.

Then when I looked at Cael again, I noticed him look at Mattheo in confusion.

"Wait, why are you so calm?" he asked frowning.

"What?" Mattheo asked, looking at him.

"Well from what I've heard, and just said, you're calmer than anyone would expect. You know where she is-"

"And you don't?" Mattheo laughed lightly. He then suddenly pointed the gun at me and laughed again as he met my eyes. "You, Henderson, are a fucking interesting piece of shit."

I frowned. "What the fuck did I do? I got attacked! Merlin alone knows who took her, but it sure as hell wasn't me!" I yelled.

Mattheo's eyebrows lifted as he looked at me with surprise. "You do not know who took her?"

"No!" I yelled. "But something is giving me the hint that you know!"

Mattheo slowly lowered the gun, but kept it aimed towards me. "You have no idea?" he asked as if not believing me.

I groaned. "For fucking Merlin's sake, no! I do not know, Riddle."

The gun lowered completely. "I do know where she is," he said, and Cael and ai both became more alert. "She's safe," he tried to assure.

I frowned. "You took her," I accused, and when he didn't argue, Cael and I both knew I was right. "Where the fuck is she-"

"Safe!" he yelled, and his voice echoed the building.

Suddenly he and his two men turned into black smoke, and slashed through the windows, scattering them. Cael started cursing, grabbing his things.

"Where are you going?" I asked. "They're long gone-"

"We need to inform the others," he warned me. "If he has Belle, he's unstoppable!"

I frowned. "What the fuck does that mean?"

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