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𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎

I was the target for all eyes on Platform 9¾. People were shocked by my existence, and I wouldn't be surprised. But not only me. Word must've gotten out that Lee knew that I was alive, and she was now also a target for eyes. Either that or people who were curious as to if we'd have tension now that I was alive.

"Mattheo," Draco said as he stepped beside me. He gestured for me to follow him, and I did.

We stepped onto the train, and to the back where we found the most secluded cart. Not to my surprise, Lee and her boyfriend, Pansy, and some other dude were there. I sat down with them.

"I'm Cael," the stranger said, reaching his hand. I nodded, shaking it. I assume he already knew my name.

Lee sat between Cael and Kyle, while I sat at the window, Draco sitting between me and his fiancé.

"Astoria said she'll meet us there," Lee told Pansy. "Said she had to go early for Christian's work anyways."

"He gives Potions," Draco told me.

Kyle put his hand on Lee's thigh. She shifted in her seat, and crossed her leg over the other, forcing him to move his hand lower. I frowned, but didn't say anything. It wasn't a friendly move from her part.


The train ride was surely not quite something I missed. Sure, when we were younger it was a lot more fun. Now, it was boring. The girls didn't talk much, and the men only talked about work.

When we got to Hogwarts we were lead in the way they used to go to Hogwarts. We rode in a carriage pulled by creepy fucking horse-like demin-looking freaky things. We then got onto boats that lead us to the castle.

I didn't really enjoy it, because Lee would be completely absent the entire time. Ignoring me and avoiding me.

At Hogwarts we were let into the Great Hall, where people split into their old houses. It was vacation time for the students, so there were little to none there, and they didn't necessarily socialize with the group of adults.

Lee sat across from me, but she wouldn't look at me. Her boyfriend sat beside her, clearly not from this school. He looked around in awe at the fake candles and the clear bright sky that was projected above us.

"This place seems so odd. It's weird being back here after so long." Pansy pulled her hair back into a ponytail.

"So many memories," Draco chuckled.

"I've made more here in a year than ever before in my life," Cael commented. "Never thought I'd come back."

My eyes were still on Lee. She hadn't said a word the entire day we were here. Not even since we got off of the train.

"This place was home, for me at least."

All eyes moved to me. Alright, yes. Neither have I said anything since we got off of that train.

Lee suddenly scoffed, and eyes started moving between us.

"What?" I asked her.

She rolled her eyes. "This place was hell," she laughed. "Fuck, yeah sure. I've made memories here. Memories I don't want to fucking remember, but none of you care, right? None of you realize how much torture and trauma I've gotten from these fucking ancient walls. No - just focus on the good and not all the lives we are ignoring we lost thanks to this fucking place! The soulmate I lost because of these fucking people!"

She pushed herself to her feet, before making her way out of the Great Hall. Kyle didn't even stand up. He didn't even follow. But, by looking at him for a couple of seconds, I realized that he had no idea what she had said. She didn't tell him anything about what happened eight years ago.

I moved to my feet, and before Draco could stop me, I was on my way out of the Hall.

I followed her to the one place I knew she'd be. Up the stairs and right to the Clock Tower. There, I did indeed find her. She stood at the railing, resting against it with her arms, looking into the bright green woods.


"Do you know why exactly I am here?" she sighed, not even looking at me. "Hmm?"

Leaning against the railing beside her, I shook my head. "No, I don't."

"This is the last place I saw you," she said.

My heart dropped. I remember projecting an imaginary image of me for a couple of minutes, but I didn't remember where. I wish I could remember.

"Was I really your soulmate?" I asked.

Lee started laughing, scoffing. "Fuck you, Mattheo," she said, looking at me. "You really think that everything is about you, huh?"

I frowned. "Lee, I didn't-"

"I lost Alex too, you know?" she said. "He was my soulmate. You were my love - it's two different things. I never even had that bond with you before you faked your death! Do you even remember that day?"

I sighed, reaching my hand our to touch her arm, but she pulled away.

"I don't even want to know your bullshit reasons for having me live years of trauma, anymore. Not that you'd care, right?"

"Lee, please. Listen to me. You don't know the full story-"

"I don't want to," she said, lifting her hands in retreat. "I don't know you anymore. I don't think I ever did."

"You do," I tried to reassure her, but my words just made her laugh.

"No, Mattheo. I don't."

She made her way to the staircase, and ignored me when I called out for her.

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