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𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚘 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎

I watched her. She danced with her hands in her hair and a dress to short for my liking. Not that I could do anything about it, this wasn't my club.

"Riddle." Laughter echoed the room as I looked up to see Malfoy.

I scoffed. "Why is she in New York? We had one fucking deal."

He sighed, looking down the window at his fiancé and her two best friends. "I had no control. Pansy took the wheel and here they are-"

"I don't care," I bit. "She's supposed to stay in fucking London. I told you this years ago. Now you call me here while she's here? Does she even fucking know I'm here?"

"She thinks you're dead," he said, and I looked at him surprised.

I thought she'd tell them about our little encounter the other day, but clearly she didn't.

"She's out of here Friday, Riddle. Don't worry."

I looked down at her. Suddenly someone stepped behind her, his hands placed on her hips. My hand tightened around the whiskey glass in my hand, and it shattered, a piece cutting down my palm. Draco looked down at it, and sighed. When I tried to rush to the door, he stepped in front of me, lifting his hand.

I glared. "Move."

"It's her boyfriend. Kyle. Don't want to start something, huh?"

"Let me through," I demanded.

Malfoy sighed. "You know I can't do that, Riddle. If you expose yourself in my club I'm done for, and you're seen. Not even Pansy knows."

"Your fiancé?" I laughed. "Figured you'd always marry Greengrass. Not sure is Parkinson is a down or upgrade."

"Not that you know much," he said, and my humour turned back into a glare.

"Fuck you, move."

"You've got no right to tell me that," he said. "And I'm not done with you."

My eyes shifted down to Lee again, seeing her standing with her arms around the man, swaying her hips from left to right.

"Make it quick," I ordered.

"There's a secret order within the ministry hunting you down," he said, and my eyes shot to him again. "No one knows who are in said order, but they are looking for you - or whoever they might think is running your new little cult - and they won't let you go gently."

"Great," I bit, then my eyes shot down to her, suddenly seeing her jimmy down, swaying herself as her arms moved down his body. I've had it. "Done?"


This time he let me pass. I shot down the stairs, and straight into the crowd to her. When Kyle grinned down at her, he suddenly saw arms wrap around her waist, picking her up. I pulled her up, and she started groaning. I carried her to the bathroom stalls, before entering a single bathroom. I dropped her, closed and locked the door, before grabbing her by her waist again, pinning her to the sink.

"Let go," she groaned, until her eyes met mine. "Fucking hell. What do you want?"

She didn't react the way I expected her to react, but when I smelt vodka, I didn't care. She glared up at me, and my heart started to race.

I controlled myself when I pulled her into my club. I didn't touch her too long, but when she didn't let me touch her nose ring, I was pissed.

Now that she was glaring up at me, and I had her purely alone, I fought with every bone in my body not to lose control. I couldn't - that's just complicate everything.

Someone banged on the door, and I figured it to be Kyle. "Open this up!" he yelled.

My eyes didn't move from hers, and hers didn't leave mine.


"What do you want?" she asked bitterly.

My hands gripped down onto her hips. "Be nice."

"Or what?" she asked, tilting her head a bit. "You gonna hurt me?" she scoffed.

"No," I said, taking a step closer to her. "You're already in a pretty dress with pretty makeup. Don't make me ruin it."

I wanted to, so badly. I wanted to either have her dress ripped off, or be in it with her. The more of an attitude she had, the worse my craving got.

"Open up!" Kyle yelled.

"I'm busy!" I yelled back.

"That's my girlfriend you bastard! Open the fuck up!"

"Does he ever shut up?" I groaned, still holding her eye contact. "Or should I make him?"

"Get lost, Riddle," she bit. "Malfoy owns this place and he'll kill you if he sees you. Matter of fact - so should I."

I laughed. "Malfoy wont touch. He invited me."

Her face grew to shock and disbelief. "What?"

"Why do you think has no one found me yet?" I asked rhetorically. "He's the key to my existence. He's the asshole who had to keep you on that fucking land."

She scoffed. "Fuck you, Riddle."

She attempted to push me back, but I grabbed both her hand in one of mine, spun her around, and pinned her against a different wall, pressing my body against hers.

Lee groaned. "You're not supposed to carry that gun around, Riddle."

I grinned. "I'm not."

Her eyes widened, and I saw her face colour change. My eyes moved to her lips, and temptation filled me. I wanted her so badly.

"Open the fuck up!" Kyle started kicking on the door, and Lee's eyes moved to it. She started to fill with panic.

"Mattheo, let me go," she said, looking at me beggingly. "Now!"

I let go, and she rushed to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open. I stood back as I saw the man behind her glaring into the bathroom, meeting me. He was ready to charge at me, but Lee shoved him back, hard. He glared down at her, as if he wanted to hit her, and my fist tightened; but he didn't hit her. She looked back at me apologetically, before taking his hand and pulling him after her down the hallway. I watched her walk, rambling to him some pathetic excuse most likely. He still didn't look happy.

"Asshole," I groaned to myself, hitting my hand against the wooden door, suddenly slamming a hole though it. "Fuck."

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The Lestrange behind it all {M.R.}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora