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𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎

"How long will you be away?" I asked, fixing Cael's tie.

He groaned, hitting my hand away. "A couple of weeks, Belle. That's all. Alright?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever. Go enjoy your family vacation," I mocked, and he laughed.

I watched him as he got into the cab, and then watched him drive away. Just then, the mail boy stopped beside me, and handed me a couple of letters. I thanked him, tipped him, and then went back upstairs.

"More mail?" Kyle asked as he stepped out of the bedroom, a towel around his waist. He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.

I nodded, entering the re-done kitchen. "Five letters," I said, counting them. "No- six. This is a bill from Pansy."

He chuckled. "Oh she's getting eager to get that wedding over and done."

I groaned, switching on the gas stove for the kettle to boil. "She just wants out of that Manor," I corrected, making him laugh.

"Alright," Kyle laughed. "I'm going to get dressed."

"Be careful not to put on my underwear!" I joked as he closed the door. I heard him laugh.

Kyle and I have become close over the last three months. He had stopped drinking, and being touchy. After a while I realized that it had only been the alcohol that had that rough effect on him. Without it, he had been a lot nicer and calmer. He wasn't really a bad person.

Pansy had become more eager to get the wedding over and done with. It was two months away. She wanted to get out of Draco's house, and into her apartment back in New York. She missed the money and high fashion. Yes, she still had money, a shit ton load of it, but she wanted New York money.

"I'm going out with Jackson and Emmerson tonight," Kyle said as he exited the bedroom, dressed into his suit.

"Just you three?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes, before plastering a kiss onto my forehead. "Yes, just us. Coffee?" he asked, pointing at his mug.

I nodded. "I'm going to the greenhouse all day. I think my plants need me."

"They probably do," he said, grabbing a dry toast straight of the toaster, before pushing it into his mouth. "They haven't seen you in two days!" he mocked dramatically.

"Jerk," I teased, looking up at him. "Well, I miss them."

I grabbed the letters and a packet of cigarettes with a lighter. "I'm gonna grab a smoke before I go."

"I'll bring pizza for dinner," Kyle said as he headed towards the door.

"I'll get the groceries later!" I yelled after him, before he shut the door behind him.


The streets were busier than usual. Of course it'd be, it was eight am. I made my way down to the grocery store nearest to the greenhouse. I had already dropped my bags at the greenhouse, but I thought it'd be smart to buy groceries now.

Finally I reached the not-so-busy store, with only me and about two other men inside. Plus the cashier. I was thankful to find everything I needed. Except for cream. I wanted to bake a cake and I needed cream. But the variety was too many.

"Pay," ons customer grumbled to another.

I glanced to my side, seeing one move to the counter. Suddenly he pulled a gun out, pointing it at the cashier. My body froze up.

"Stand still," the other customer said behind me, and I recognized the voice immediately. "Don't move, Lee."

The cashier emptied the cash register, stuffing all of the money into a bag, before the customer - robber - took it, and gestured for what I presumed to be his friend to follow him, before he ran out of the store.

My eyes glanced back at the face of Theodore Nott, and then he vanished out of the store. I unfroze, and dropped my basket, before moving to the old male cashier.


In the greenhouse, I stood in the back, smoking out of an open window. It felt more safer than smoking out front at the time.

The door opened, and the little bell rang. I killed the cigarette against the wall outside, before dropping it in a bin. I rushed to the front, only to stop in my tracks.

"This place seems a lot smaller than I imagined. I thought it'd be bigger. You know - like the Herbology Greenhouses at Hogwarts."

He chuckled, digging his hands into his jean pockets, while looking around the place, but still standing still.

"It is quite beautiful. Especially the violet obsession," he complimented.

I exhaled the air I kept in. "You're in London?" I questioned.

Mattheo smiled, looking at me. "Bought an apartment across town. It's really a nice place to stay."

At the moment I didn't want to chase him away. I didn't want him to leave.

"You grew your hair out," I pointed out.

He chuckled, nodding. "I did. And you..."

Right. I cut mine super short. Shorter than ever before, but I liked it.

"Yeah," I said, smiling softly. "It feels better short."

Suddenly Mattheo paced down the first aisle he found, looking at the hanging plants and succulents. "Who knew you'd become a florist?" he joked. "Thought you'd become an Auror or a Potions master or something."

"What? Work for the ministry?" I laughed.

Then I realized: I actually do work for the ministry.

"Well," I said, looking at him as he came to a holt. "Need any help finding a plant?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I just wanted to say hi."

I chuckled. "Of course. Matty always has a secret agenda..."

He grew a smile. "Not this time, princess." He pushed his one hand through his hair, before meeting my eyes again. "Whenever you need me, just whisper my name."

I giggled, shaking my head. "Always a secret agenda," I said, leaning back against my desk. "Always something with you, Matty."

"Just for incase," he stated.

I nodded. "Thank you, but I'm fine."

He nodded, turned around, and walked out of the greenhouse. Just before the door shut, he glanced back at me, before walking down the road.

Mattheo was in London.

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