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𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎 𝙻𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎

I was up earlier than usual. I put on my sneakers and went for a run. To my luck Kyle didn't wake up while I was getting ready.

I ran a couple of blocks, and was tempted to run more until I realized that Pansy would be worried if I came in late. It was her bachelorette party that night, but she wanted to take me and Astoria out for coffee in the morning. So I returned to the hotel.

"Where were you?" Pansy asked as I entered.

"Just went out for a jog," I said as I entered the kitchen. "Anyone else up yet?"

"Yup," she nodded. "Kyle went to the shops for some bread, and Astoria is smoking on the balcony. Draco left before sunrise, but Cael and Christian are still sleeping."

I nodded, thankful that Kyle was out. I went into our room and got dressed in the bathroom. When I took my running jacket off, I froze. My upper arms had blue bruises on them from last night and my heart sank.


"One second!" I yelled, pulling the jacket back on, before Pansy opened the bathroom door.

"Merlin, I've seen you naked before," she laughed lightly.

I chuckled nervously. "Uhm, what do you want?"

"What are you wearing?" she asked. "Thought we'd match up."

I smiled softly. "Uhm, long sleeve shirt and a long skirt."

"Really?" she frowned. "You own long shirts?"

"Mhm," I nodded.

"Alright," she nodded, before closing the bathroom door.

I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror again when I took the jacket off. I sighed. Kyle left me with bruises, and he'd probably have forgotten about it. I knew he was drunk last night, because when I exited the bathroom after showering, he had forgotten about my tea and was passed out across the bed.

I got dressed in what I promised Pansy I would wear. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, before pulling a necklace on.

When I exited the room, Draco had woken up - sort of. He stood in the kitchen, resting his arms on the island counter, with a cup of coffee in his hands. He looked like he was hammered last night.

When he saw me, he knew I wasn't even going to greet him. I just walked passed the kitchen and to the balcony. There, I found Astoria sitting on a chair, now without a cigarette. I lit one for myself and leaned against the railing with my arms.

"You look pretty," she told me. "Like a twenty-six-year old hippy."

I laughed lightly, handing her the cigarette when she stood beside me. "Thank you."

After the smoke, we walked back inside. Just then the door opened, and Kyle entered, suddenly with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.


He smiled as I walked to him. "For my baby," he smiled, handing the roses to me.

I put on a smile. "You didn't have to," I giggled.

I took it, before he leaned down, kissing me. Then he smiled. "Anything for my lady."


"Woah!" Pansy laughed as one of the male strippers bent over her, pushing her hair back.

I laughed, looking around the room we had. Astoria was being given a lap dance, while I drank some strong champagne. I didn't want anyone doing something to me, and I was thankful the two guys listened.

Pansy was brought to her feet, and she followed the guy to the stripper pole in the middle of the quite busy room. I laughed, watching as the guy helped her around the pole, and nearly railed her against it.

A guy neared me, and I knew that he wasn't one of the strippers; but I didn't move.

"Hey gorgeous," he said, sitting down beside me, wrapping his arm over my shoulders.

I tried moving up, away from him, but he just moved closer. My eyes beggingly looked at Pansy, but she was facing the opposite way. Then I looked at Astoria, but she was a no-show.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked me.

I shook my head, trying to be nice. "No thank you, I'm alright."

Then his hand moved some hair behind my hair, and I got chills. I didn't want him near me.

"Please don't touch me," I asked beggingly.

"A drink," he told me.

I tried standing up, but he grabbed my bruised shoulder, forcing me to stay. I flinched.

"Look at me," he told me. I didn't. "Look," he said, gripping down on my shoulder.

My eyes flew to him, and as much as I hoped it'd be someone I knew, it wasn't. It was a complete stranger.

Then a bullet flew through his head, and people started yelling and running. I froze as he dropped forward, his body lifeless. Pansy yelled, running to me. She pulled me under off of him, and started pulling me after her as people ran out of the club.

My eyes immediately started looking for Mattheo. Every corner of the place was full of running people, but I was hoping to see him. It had to be him. It just had to.

"Belle, what are you doing?" Pansy yelled at me. "Come on!"

She speeded up our space and withing seconds we were out of the club, where we found Astoria.

Then, in between the running crowd, I saw Mattheo. He looked at me, a coat over his body. It was him. He was looking straight at me, and my heart raced.

Why was he following me? Why was he just watching me, but never interacting? What was his deal?

Someone ran in front of me, and then Mattheo disappeared. My eyes searched for him, but after a couple of seconds, I knew he was gone, again.

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