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"Okay, okay, calm down." I said and crouched down to looking at the woman and her boyfriend next to her. They were bleeding and shaking. Greta, the woman, was crying and held the blanket tightly against her body.

They told a different police officer the story of what happened to them. They were at the Heelshire mansion and Greta's ex boyfriend was there and they killed him. Self defense. They were attacked and I saw it as self defense and I will tell that to anyone who needs to know.

"[Y/N]! Come on!" Officer Jackson, my police partner, called and poked his head through the door. I looked up and went back on my feet.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused since we didn't really plan on going anywhere today. It was quite late.

"Investigate the situation at the Heelshire's." He claimed, I nodded and laid my hand one last time on Greta's shoulder. She looked up.

"It will be okay." I said, she nodded and then I quickly followed Jackson into the car.

Trees were flashing past me as we arrived at the mansion, big old house with many windows and many more doors inside. The door wasn't locked, Jackson and I carefully went inside, holding our guns up. Maybe someone was still inside but I highly doubted that.

"I'm downstairs, you go up." He nodded at the stairs. I agreed and made my way upstairs, the wood cracking beneath my weight. Walls rattled but I ignored it as I passed a bedroom. It was quite messy but my eye caught the big hole in the wall in the next room and I went into there instead.

The walls rattled again, confused, I looked around and stood with my back to the hole looking at the bloodstains on the ground. They're dried off but they were still there even though I could only see them slightly in the poor light.

Something cracked behind me. Deep loud breathing started, with my gun pointing forward, I turned around. A hand reached out of the hole in the wall, grabbing the side. Knuckles turning white and veins showing, a man stepped out. A white mask on his face, black curly hair and a white, blood covered shirt on him. I tripped slowly back, my heart pounding.

"Brahms..?" I whispered, he walked up to me. His big body pressed slowly against the barrel of the gun.

"I.. uh.. what.." I stumbled and I looked up at him, though, he leaned down with his head tilted and his deep breath stroking my cheek.

"How..?" I whispered as his eyes ran along my face, analyzing me. Panic was growing in my chest. What was wrong with me? I'm a police officer, I'm not.. I'm not scared. He shouldn't scare me in any way.

"[Y/n]?" I heard Jackson, I turned my head at the same time as the man in front of me. We looked back at each other and with a small huff, he turned around and left back into the walls.

I lowered my gun slowly, overwhelmed by the situation as Jackson already stepped inside.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I turned to him, nodding, then I smiled.

"Yeah, I just thought I saw something!" I lied and tried to sound normal. He nodded and then pointed at the hole in the wall.

"Anything there?" He asked. I shook my head, walking past him and back downstairs. Maybe it wasn't the best if he knew here was a man inside the walls.

"Nothing, it was empty. What about you?" I changed the subject and walked to the front door. Jackson followed, his shoulder shrugging.

"There is a fridge full of fresh food." He claimed. I rolled my eyes, opening the door to get outside.

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