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What on earth came over me?

A look into the mirror and I noticed my red eyes as if I didn't sleep for days. My phone peeped, I looked up and grabbed it. Three days. I'm three days late for my meds! Shit! Of course I feel like this..

Opening the small cabinet in the bathroom, I realized that my meds were empty. That's why I didn't take them. Shit. It was Saturday. The delivery boy should come on Monday.. Maybe I can call him? No.. I have to get my medicine from the doctor. 

"Brahms?" I asked loudly and quickly headed downstairs where Brahms sat in the living room and was reading a book in silence. He looked so peaceful. I smiled a little.

"Hey, I have to go to the doctor, my meds are empty." I said and watched the man look up at me. He nodded and stood up, leaving the living room.

"I'll be back soon." I promised as he walked past me. He stopped next to me and looked down. I lifted my head to look him in the eyes. And I saw how he switched to my lips. It happened way too often. He kept focusing on me.. on my lips and my body. I've noticed it.

"I see how you look at me, Brahms.." I whispered, we locked eyes again. Tension between us growing. My body felt electrified and wanted to give in but I knew I couldn't do that. If I did.. I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Sorry.." I whispered then and he left me standing. Why did I say that? Why did I have to ruin everything? Rubbing my face, I walked out of the house and looked for my car.

After I found it and drove to the doctor, I had to wait and I was quite anxious.. what if I have to wait a few days until my meds are there? What if I had to buy complete new ones? The questions.. they'll ask questions again.

Lots of questions I didn't want to answer. Questions that triggered me.. they knew it does, yet they keep asking. I hated doctors. I always did.

It took a while until the doctor called me in but then finally, I stood up and walked into the small room. Dr. Mendle pointed at the chair, so I sat down.

"Hello, [Y/n]." She said and smiled, taking out her question note book. I smiled.

"Why are you here?" She asked and looked at me with her big eyes and the wrinkles on her face.

"My meds are empty." I quickly answered and leaned back at the chair. She nodded, writing down, then she reached into the drawer and handed me two boxes of medication.

"Thank you." I mumbled and actually planned to go but she stopped me and I sat back down. The questions.

"How are you feeling? Any… anger? Rage? Something like this?" She asked and waited for me to answer. I knew how this will go and I knew if I answer wrong.. she'll probably send me back to therapy.

"I'm feeling good. I did get upset but it was because my car didn't start." I lied with a small smile and nodded as she wrote that down.

"Any nightmares?" I shook my head, she wrote it down.

"Did you hit someone? Or yelled at someone?" I shook my head again, she wrote it down again.

"And how long were you without your meds?" She asked then I looked at the ceiling, pretending to be thinking.

"I think.. only three days." I said the truth this time.. well, the half truth. I was supposed to take my meds three days ago. But.. I didn't take them the time before because they were already empty. Woopsie..

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