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"Brahms! We're back home!" I called and walked inside. Kai smiled as we took off our jackets and shoes. Then we went into the kitchen to get the dinner ready, since it was already afternoon and in a few hours was Christmas eve.

I felt two hands wrap around my waist while Kai quickly left to get his stuff upstairs. A small gasp left my mouth and I chuckled when I felt the cold mask against my neck.

"Hey, you." I smiled and leaned against his touch. We stood there like this for a moment until he let go and I turned to him. 

"Do you want to help getting dinner ready?" I asked and he nodded. With a big smile, we started to put all the things out we needed to cook and together with Kai, we started to cut the vegetables. Do some marinating of chicken and also make some salads.

"By the way, I'm vegan." Kai suddenly said. I turned to him, a bit in shock.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier?! Kai, we made so much food with animal products!" I whined and the knife in my hand fell down. Kai looked away and pressed his lips together awkwardly.

"Sorry, I forgot.. to mention it. But we made potatoes and I made a sauce with vegan milk, so don't worry!" He said then and relief filled my body. This boy is smart..

"Thank god, boy. Don't do this again. Tell me earlier what you're eating, okay?" I laughed it off and kept cutting some tomatoes.

After a few hours, we were finally finished with cooking and also cleaning everything. The food smelled amazing and I wanted to eat it already.. but we decided that first we would go change and get dressed and then we would eat with music and some wine.

So, now I was in my room, putting in a suit. Dark green, it was tight around the waist and loosened up at the legs and with that a matching top, also short and with quite the neckline but I liked it. My hair.. well, I kept it open and otherwise I put on some decent makeup, nothing much but still a bit.

I grabbed Brahms present and walked back downstairs. Kai was already ready sitting in the living room, his hair was a bit in order and he had his piercing on, the lip ring. With that he had black jeans on and a white hoodie. I smiled at him.

"Whoa- I love your outfit!" He said and smiled back at me. I chuckled and thanked him. Waiting for Brahms, I sat beside him and tapped my fingers on the table. 

Christmas was always a very difficult time for me with my family but I handled it when I was younger. My room was always my safe space unless Joshua, Kai's dad and my cousing, walked in and made a mess but otherwise, everything was okay.

Brahms walked in. My head lifted and there he was standing, fresh clothes and his hair made. I smiled brightly and stood up. He stood in the doorway, fidgeting with his hands and looking at me. Jumping from the couch, I headed towards him and took his hand, pulled him to me and hugged him.

"You look beautiful.." He whispered into my ear. I blushed and when we went apart, I looked away and walked back to the table, Brahms followed me.

He was wearing black pants and a white shirt with a black overcoat, his mask seemed cleaner than usual and his hair was combed back and his curls were curling.

"Alright! Let's eat!" I said and looked at the two boys. My heart felt warm, like they were my family and I wondered how this was possible since I only knew Kai was my nephew for like.. one day.

"Does anyone want to say a prayer?" I asked and smiled a little and looked around. Kai nodded a bit.

"I'm not religious.. but dad was all prayer obsessed while living in America." Kai explained, I chuckled a bit and we laid our hands on the table. I took Kai's hand and Brahms'. The two boys just looked at each other l but then they placed their hands on top of each other without touching. 

"Well, let's go!" I smiled and closed my eyes. Kai cleared his throat.

"Dear.. whoever is in the sky, I want to say thank you for being here with my aunt and their… half boyfriend and I hope they'll have lots of luck to stay strong and without fear. Also, I hope.. that the food is good. It probably is, amen." Kai said. I smiled brightly and opened my eyes a bit, seeing Brahms looking at me.

After eating, it was time for the presents. I was leaning against the couch and held my wine glass in my hand, next to me was Brahms gift since I already gave Kai his, I didn't have anything for him now. Though, I'm sure he won't mind.

Brahms looked at me, then he took out a letter and placed it on the table, sliding it over to me. Confused, I opened it and read it. My eyes widened in shock.

"The house is mine..?" I whispered and looked back at Brahms. He nodded. 

"Mother wrote in her letter, if Greta doesn't stay.. the next person who will enter this house, gets it." Brahms explained and we locked eyes. He was being serious. A small gasp, left my lips and I jumped from my chair, pulled Brahms up too and hugged him.

"Thank you so much!" I said into his chest, since he was a bit taller. He hugged me back and we stood there for a moment. Then I pulled back, my hands on the cheek of his porcelain mask.

"Now mine! I know you said you don't like bought gifts, so I made you something instead!" I said with a big smile on my lips. Kai handed me the box and I gave it to Brahms, he opened it and looked back at me.

"It's not much.. but.. well, I hoped you would like it." I said and smiled up at him. He placed the gift down and hugged me tightly. I chuckled and hugged him back.

My Brahms..

We put on some music. Kai was sitting on the couch and watched me and Brahms dance. It was making me happy he was open about doing things with me and that in front of Kai. I knew Brahms liked Kai, so he accepted him.. and that was enough for me.


A/N -

Yea.. this chapter is really short but I was kind of tired of writing Christmas 😭 I'm so sorry- I need more action....... sooo, yea the next chaps will be longer again ^^

Vote <3

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