『T』『w』『e』『n』『t』『y』 『t』『h』『r』『e』『e』

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Kai POV; mention of abuse; death

Early morning. The first thing I did was leave my house. Dad had been gone for a while and my mom slept over at a friend's house, so nobody was here and I had nothing else to do, so I grabbed some bags and headed into the busy city.

I bought some fresh vegetables and meat, also some fruits but I did notice [Y/n] and Brahms never really ate those. There wasn't really a reason but I loved fruits, especially strawberries and apples, also melons. They were quite tasty.

After that I went to the Heelshire's house.. well, [Y/n]'s house, now that it was theirs. With a satisfied smile, I opened the door and saw that only Brahms was awake. He was walking around and waved when he saw me in the kitchen.

"I bought some stuff." I said and smiled at the man. He nodded beneath his mask. I've seen him without his mask already, only once though. When he took [Y/n]'s meds, I wasn't even sure if he remembered.

"Thanks." He said and helped me get the stuff tidied up. When he moved behind me, I moved a bit more forward and beneath him while he lifted his hands. When he went left, I quickly went right and made sure to not be in his way.

I didn't like being in the way of other's, my father taught me that quite early in my life stages. Mostly with pushing and shoving me around, so now I was able to know where a person plans to go and move into the opposite direction.

"The path outside is covered in snow. Do you want to clean it up with me?" Brahms asked with a quiet voice, I turned to him with a small smile and nodded.

"Sure!" We got ready, putting on warm clothes and grabbing the shovel, then we went outside.

I started from the stair side while Brahms from the gate and we worked us up to the middle. He was strong, like.. hella strong, I could see it from the way how easy he was holding the shovel while I struggled a little bit even though I carry two full bags of food almost three times a week to different places.

Brahms was really a fascinating person and I respected him. A lot. Not only because he was kinda.. looking scary and big and I was a bit afraid of him but simply because I knew his story. And I knew he killed some people. One of them was my aunt, I wasn't mad at him though.

From what I've heard and what my mom told me, Emily was a very strange and mean girl but Brahms liked her and he only was friends with her even when [Y/n] tried to befriend him, he never let anyone get closer to him.

That was about everything they've told me so far, everything else I knew was because I loved crime and wanted to find out more. And Brahms was quite the mystery. He should be dead but wasn't, which meant he spent more time of his life alone in this house than with other children. And I felt quite sad about it. I knew how it felt to be alone.. to have no one because you were considered a freak. I had ADHD and the only friend I really had moved away, other kids didn't like me much.

Brahms seems similar to me but like.. the opposite similarity but it was there and I knew it was.

We kept cleaning the path when I grabbed some snow and made a snowball, then I started rolling it around to make a bigger one. Brahms stopped and looked at me, tilting his head. I smiled and called him to me.

"Wanna build a snowman?" I asked and smirked. I was quite sure he didn't get the reference to the Frozen movie but I still found it funny. Brahms shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright, we need three big snowballs, one smaller than the other. The first one is gonna be the biggest one, okay?" I explained and he nodded. Then we started to build the first. I was looking around for some sticks and used them as arms. Taking off my hat, I put it on and we admired our work.

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