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"There you are! You've been gone the whole day!" Carolyn yelled as she hugged me with her dirty cooking clothes. I laughed and stepped inside.

"Yea, I know. I'm sorry! I was.. at the Heelshire's house. Took some more looks inside." I mumbled and grabbed a cup of tea from the table. I drank and placed it back.

"I'll tell you everything later, I have to make a call." I said, stroking Carolyn over her waist and walking past her. She nodded as I went upstairs and took my phone out of my pocket. I looked for the number and dialed it.

"Hey, sunshine!" Jackson said on the other line. I laughed and sat on the couch, my knees pulled to my chest.

"Can you do me a favor? I'd need some vacation and I don't have time to come over and privately talk with Dexter." I explained. From the other line I heard someone talk. Male.

"Oh, yea sure- Babe, wait-!" Jackson chuckled, I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"Could've just said you were busy, whatever. Can you tell Dexter I'm not available for the next.. week?" I asked. Jackson agreed and then the phone started beeping. I rolled my eyes again, then I grabbed some clothes and put them into a bag.

Then I headed back downstairs, I kissed Carolyn goodbye on her cheek and her confused look made me chuckle.

"I'll call! I promise!" I said then I headed outside again, running to my car.

The darkness took over the sky as I drove into the street to the Heelshire mansion which was more of a castle actually, as big as it was.

Taking the big bag, I rushed back into the house. I stopped at the door. The locks were repaired. I smiled a bit and went inside.

"Hello? Brahms?" I asked loudly, I get that he probably still wasn't going to talk to me but I didn't care. He was so fascinating.

The walls were cracking but I didn't flinch or move an inch, then I just listened. Steps were leaving the spot. Walls rambling and making noises.

"Brahms?" I asked again, starting to walk slowly. Still listening to the walls, I walked upstairs. Second floor. Third floor.

There were more bedrooms and I found a smaller one, with toys and a small bed too.

"Brahms? Are you there?" I asked, kneeling down and taking one of the toys. I looked around. They were old but still able to be used.

"Huh, do you like playing with toys?" I asked loudly not expecting an answer but I heard a deep breath across from me. The walls.

"You're here.. aren't you?" I whispered, the breathing was so close. I stood up again, made my way back downstairs, hearing steps right next to me. So there were also stairs inside the walls? Interesting.

I started running a bit, the steps following me. I chuckled, then I headed to a different room. The steps still following me. Brahms was still following me.

Then I stopped. Deep breathing right in front of me, I stepped closer and placed my hand on the wood.

"Are you there?" I whispered and a small humming was coming from the other side.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Brahms.." I kept whispering. Again, just a slight humming.

"I'll go upstairs again, Brahms. And I'll look for a bedroom, is that okay? Can I stay here for a bit?" I asked. Brahms grunted but I took it as a yes.

Walking back upstairs I've tried to look through the walls and I noticed a big tall silhouette inside them. I smiled. Did he trust me already?

I found a room on the third floor. It was big and quite nice. I knocked against the walls, empty. There was space and a moment later Brahms was standing there. I tripped back a bit and then walked away. Putting down my bag, I looked around a bit and sat down on the bed. It was comfortable and I thought that I could sleep in here.

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