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"Why do you need the candles?" Brahms asked as I placed the plates into the sink and then grabbed the candles.

"Uh.. Today.. Today is the deathday of.. my best friend." I mumbled and waited for a reaction from him, he nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry." He said then and it did surprise me that he knew how to react to such things when he, himself killed people. But I smiled thankful.

"Do you want to come with me? I'd love to place the candles under a tree." I asked and he nodded, thinking for a moment I took two more candles into my hand and looked up at the man in front of me who tilted his head, as always.

"One is for your parents and the other is.. it's for Emily." I said with a small nod and quickly walked out of the house and into the garden. Brahms first followed me but as he reached the door I noticed that he hesitated. I placed the candles down and went back to him.

"Nobody is out here, Brahms." I claimed as he stepped a bit back, so I reached my hand out to him.

"I can hold your hand if you want to." I said, his head went down and he looked at my hand, then he looked back up and I smiled softly, waiting for him to take my hand in his. And he did. He carefully took my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I let it happen.

Together, we walked down and I took the candles again, then we went to a tree that was in the back of the house. I carefully took my hand out of Brahms', then I placed the candles on the ground and with a lighter, I lit them.

"Why are we lighting candles?" Brahms asked as we stood in front of the tree and looked down. Well, I was looking down. Brahms had his head turned to me and his eyes were piercing into me.

"It's just something people do to honor someone's death." I quickly explained and shrugged my shoulders. Brahms nodded.

"I'm not religious but I think this tradition is a beautiful thing." I mumbled and looked up at Brahms who still had his eyes on me. I took his hand and turned around.

"Let's go back inside." Brahms nodded again and we walked back into the house. Since it was Sunday we didn't have much to do and Brahms went into his walls, leaving me alone.

I sighed and looked around for some champagne or wine. And I did find some in a small cabinet in Brahms' parents room. I maybe shouldn't drink today since I have to go to work tomorrow but I just.. I just wanted the feeling gone. The feeling of crying and being sad. I hated that feeling so much. Being happy is way better.

With a glass in my hand, I walked around the balcony and poured more champagne into my glass. Half of the bottle was already gone and I was slightly dancing around the place. Cold air was hitting my face and cooled me down.

I felt eyes on me. Brahms was watching me from somewhere, I just couldn't tell from where. I also didn't care much. Humming a song that has been in my head for the past hour, I giggled a bit and leaned down with my back against the railing, my hair waving in the wind.

"You're so beautiful.." I heard somewhere far away, a smile on my lips, I chuckled slightly and let myself sit down on the ground. 

"Come out to me.." I whispered and closed my eyes as the wind blew my hair behind me. I felt hot inside as I took another big sip out of the bottle, hearing footsteps in front of me. Yet, I kept my eyes closed and just listened to how he kneeled down and his body heat floating to me.

"You're really warm.." I mumbled and wanted to take another sip but someone snatched the bottle out of my hand and I ripped my eyes open. A second later the glass broke into pieces beneath the balcony on the ground.

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