Ace "trust" pt 2

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(Deadlock pov)

Deadlock was walking towards the rescue bots with Another human was standing there.

"Hello, I don't believe we've met properly." The human introduced himself "I'm Doctor Eugene Green"

"Doc green. " deadlock realized at the earlier mention. "I'm deadlock. " he tried waving friendly.

"Doc green came up with these. " heatwave turned handing him some sort of handle.

In a moment the handle lit up and formed a turquoise shield, big enough to cover half his body.

"These should hold up against Doomsdays attacks until you can stop him" Doc green explained. "Their prototypes, so don't overuse them. "

Deadlock nodded in thank and turned to face the rescue bots.

"We better get going," boulder said, " doomsday could arrive at any minute. "

"Chief, Kade, Dany, Graham and Cody" heatwave started "I think it's saver for you to stay here. "

"Understood," Chief agreed knowing the strength of such a fight.

"Stay safe! " Cody called as the bots walked back to where they last seen doomsday.

They stood ready holding their shields up ready.

Soon enough doomsday walked out of the shadows grinning.

"Round 2, eh? " he joked.

Everyone stood ready, though something was off. Why was doomsday holding his hand behind his back?

Deadlock remembered for stronger shots he needed to power them up.

"Watch out! " deadlock called knocking Heatwave out of he blast range.

A sudden bright red light missed them by a few inches.

"Oh for Primus sake! " doomsday cursed annoyed. "Can't you just die?"

He continued shooting as they held their sheilds, they were working, but bearly, they can't take to many hits.

"We should split up," deadlock suggested, " harder to hit multiple targets. "

The bots did so and transformed atemting to surround doomsday. Rage grew on doomsdays face, as be got more and more inpatient.

He lifted his hand into the sky and took two shots, one of them managing to hit blades helicopter blades, he yelped as it send him falling to the ground.

Boulder rushed over to check on him as chase drove straight towards him attempting to knock him over.

Doomsday jumped and in midair placed his hand on top of chase hood, and shot downwards.

Chase drove out of control as he in transformed falling to the ground.

"This isn't going as planned! " deadlock called worried.

He launched 2 missiles at doomsday, he dodged one and grabbed the other sending it in the direction of boulder.

It exploded leaving a cloud of smoke. leaving only Heatwave, deadlock and doomsday.

"Not so strong now? " Doomsday mocked.

"What will we do?! " deadlock called worried to heatwave.

"How long can you keep him busy? " heatwave asked.

"What why? "

"How long?! "

"Five minutes, at best. "

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