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Welp, haven't posted in a bit but might as well give an update, I'll try to keep it short.

Back in school and stuff, and I have a shit ton to do already. Also dealing with some family and self esteem issues but I'll be fine :) with the free time I have I usually do other random things.

Don't expect frequent updates cuz I'll post as i get motivation, I don't want this to become something that negatively effects me so I'll keep it relatively active.

But I am definitely not cancelling this as I love my Oc's waaay to much to do that, and I will eventually rewrite all this as things change here and there.

For the next few parts It also has connections to the canon, but I haven't watched tfp in almost a year and need to catch up on the episode times this takes place so I don't make  huge mistakes. But taking a bit longer than expected.

Teaser: it involves Ultra Magnus, rescue bots and dark mount.

Still gonna shange Steeljaws name once I get one that fits (thinking maybe Stargazer, but idk), might change Deadlocks too but maybe not.

Also! Happy news, I am planning on making a new account, not for Wattpad, but for Youtube and maybe tiktok, where I'll post time to time:  animations, speedpaints, memes and art related to the story and just transformers in general

I might change my user to something else and match it with the others, but I'll update when and if I do.

Thanks for your understanding <3

Love y'all even if I post less than once a month

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