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"what should i do?" you asked no one in particular. "i don't think i can end things with him now. and if i don't answer, he'll try again and again until i do or try again later."

"let me answer it," yoongi said, getting up. "i'll come up with an excuse for you."

you looked at your phone screen before deciding to give yoongi your phone.

"put it on speaker!" navi told him, and he nodded before answering the call.

"y/n?" bruce's voice filled the room.

"not, y/n, but one of her roommates. yoongi," yoongi said, and you could hear bruce whisper something to himself.

"uh, where's y/n? is she okay?" your boyfriend or ex-boyfriend asked. "she hasn't been responding to my texts, so i'm a little worried..."

"there's a reason why she hasn't been responding to your texts," navi muttered, rolling her eyes. "fucking dickhead."

"oh, you don't have to worry about anything," yoongi told him. "y/n's fine. she stepped out with jungkook, and she left her phone behind."

"stepped out with jungkook?" bruce asked. "why?"

"i don't know," yoongi shrugged, even though he couldn't see him. "i wasn't curious enough to ask where those two were going."

"uhm, okay... do you know what time they'll be back?"

"if i was curious enough to where jungkook and y/n were going, do you think i'd ask what time they'd be back?" yoongi asked. "no, bruce. i don't know when they'll be back, but i'll tell y/n you called."


"goodbye, bruce," yoongi said, ending the call. "i didn't want to hear his voice any longer, sorry."

"i can't wait until you break up with him, y/n," navi sighed. "a man like that doesn't deserve a woman like you."

"your friend's right," yoongi said, giving you your phone. "you deserve better than that."

"i hope you show him who's boss when you end things with him! be all badass and confident when you do it!" jimin said.

"thanks, guys," you muttered. "i'll figure out a way to end things before monday. and i'll try my best to be confident."


before you knew it, it was monday, indicating the day you'd finally end things with your boyfriend of almost two years.

bruce: my class just ended. where are you?

you looked at the message with a sigh. you eventually responded to bruce's texts so he wouldn't get suspicious and know something was wrong. when he asked what took you so long to respond, you told him you were too busy with assignments and other stuff that you barely had time to check your phone.

you: some random bench. i'll send you my location.

you turned off your phone before looking at the sky. you couldn't believe you were going to end this. the y/n a year ago wouldn't believe this. you were so in love with bruce, and when coming up with a way to break up with him, you reconsidered the whole thing. you thought about pretending you didn't see anything, acting like you didn't see him that night just so you could be happy with him.

but your roommates and navi were right. you deserved better. you deserved to be with someone who would treat you better than bruce.

"hey, sweetheart," bruce said, snapping you out of your thoughts. "what are you thinking about so deeply?"

"oh, hey," you smiled, shifting to give him space to sit. "i wasn't thinking about anything. i was just admiring the sky."

"it does look nice. but it looks like it'll rain," bruce said. "anyway, do you want to grab something to eat?"

"my next class is in ten minutes, so i can't," you told him. "maybe ne-" 'right, there won't be a next time.'


"nothing," you smiled. "anyway, while i was looking for you, i befriended some girl at the party."

"you befriended someone?" he asked, and you nodded.

"let me show a picture of her," you said before turning on your phone and going to instagram. "what do you think? she looks like a nice person, right?" bruce's eyes widened when they landed on a picture of her face.

the girl you were showing him was the same girl you saw him cheating on you with.


"hey, rai," you said. "i'm going to need your help with something, and it's about your party."

"sure, what's up?" the girl asked.

"was your party invitation only? or were random people allowed in?"

"for the first part of it, it was invite-only, but the more, the merrier, so anyone was allowed to join the party," she explained. "why? looking for someone?"

"yeah," you sighed.

"do you know their name?"

"nope. i only remember what the woman was wearing. it's fine-"

"what was she wearing?" rai asked. "although i talked to multiple people that night, i have a good memory. plus, it wasn't long ago."


with rai's help, you were able to identify the woman your boyfriend cheated on with.

"you befriended her at the party?" bruce asked, and you hummed in response.

"actually, i wouldn't say i befriended her," you sighed, turning off your phone and putting it into your pocket. "i would say... i watched my boyfriend shove his fingers up her skirt while they made out."

bruce fell silent at your words.

"i'm not even going to ask why or how long you've been cheating on me because i don't care," you told him. "i don't care how many other people you kissed before i saw you with that girl. i don't give a fuck about anything to do with you or side love life, bruce."

"y/n, i-"

"don't even try to explain yourself because it will end in you making a fool out of yourself," you warned. "i told you i don't care. i don't give a fuck!"

"y/n, sweetheart-"

"don't you dare call me any pet names like sweetheart or baby because we are done, bruce," you told him, getting up. "we're fucking done. you and-"

"will you let me talk!?" he exclaimed, cutting you off.

"what? what do you want to say?"

"i'm sorry, y/n. i have no excuse as to why-"

"thank you for apologising, but that will not change the fact that you cheated on me. and i don't want to listen to anything else you've got to say," you sighed. "we're over, bruce. i don't want to hear from you or see you anytime soon."

with that, you turned away from him and walked away.

even though there were now tears in your eyes, you were proud of yourself for being able to talk to him without stuttering or crying. you were proud of yourself for being able to confidently speak to him even though you felt like breaking down when he called you sweetheart.

you said multiple things you wanted to take back the moment they left your mouth. like how you told bruce you didn't care about why he cheated and how long he had been cheating. you wanted to ask him why. you wanted to know what made him decide to do that. was it pure lust, or was it something wrong with you? was this the first time, or has it been happening for a while? you wanted to ask him many things, but you couldn't.

if you did, you would've broken down in the middle of asking him a question, and you didn't want him to see how hurt you were by his actions. you didn't want him to see how much this affected you.

you wiped your tears and sighed. "you did, y/n," you whispered to yourself. "and you'll get over it in no time."

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