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"ow... my head fucking hurts," you groaned as you slowly sat up. you rubbed your eyes for a bit before examining your surroundings. "wait- how the hell did i end up in my bed?"

you couldn't remember how you got home, how you got to your room or how your bed. you could barely remember how the two truths and one lie game ended.

"did one of the guys bring me to my room and put me in bed or something?" your eyes widened the second that thought came to your mind. you quickly threw your blankets off to see what you were wearing.

the horror in your eyes when you realised you weren't in the clothes you went out in. "oh, my god! " you screamed, jumping out of bed. "did i change myself, or did someone else change me?"

you looked down at the oversized shirt you were wearing. you frowned when you realised how unfamiliar it was. "whose shirt do i have on?"

your thoughts began to run wild. "holy shit, did one of the guys put me in this?" you asked yourself. "nah, i doubt it... they wouldn't undress a drunk girl and change her, right? no matter how uncomfortable her outfit could've been... right?"

how did you end up in one of the boy's shirts?

you knew it belonged to one of them because you didn't have any of bruce's stuff, and it wasn't navi's because she's slept over or changed at your place. you've also never taken a shirt like this from her. you were sure of it.

while you were deep in thought, there was a knock on your door.

"who is it?" you said, fixing the t-shirt, ready to ask whoever was at your door who it belonged to.

"it's me," seokjin said, peeking in. "can i come in?" he asked, and you hummed in response. "good morning. i'm sure your head is killing you."

"morning," you smiled. "and yeah. i regret drinking so much yesterday."

"yoongi went out to get some hangover soup, but he should be home soon," he told you. "anyway, everyone is awake, and the guys are whining about their heads downstairs. i just came to check on you."

"i'll be down soon," you sighed. "i just want to wash my face and take a shower."

"by the time you're done, yoongi should be back," he said. "ah, i need to explain the shirt situation. i'm sure you're wondering whose shirt you're wearing and how you ended up in it, right?"

"yes! i was going to ask you about it," you said. "did something happen last night...?"



"wait... what happened to the games and drinking? why are we at home?" taehyung asked. "did i win?"

"seeing as you're this drunk, no," namjoon chuckled. "let's get your drunk ass to bed."

"bed? why?" jungkook asked. "it's too early."

"watch him fall asleep the second his head touches that pillow," yoongi said, rolling his eyes. "anyway, i've got jimin and hoseok."

"i've got tae and jungkook," namjoon said. "so jin... are you okay with y/n?" he asked, looking at you, fanning yourself as you sat on the couch.

"yeah, don't worry about it," seokjin smiled before walking to you. "let's go, miss."

"why is it so hot?" you asked, reaching for your socks. "are you sure we're approaching winter?"

"hm, there's still some time before we approach winter," seokjin said. "maybe you're feeling hot because you had a lot to drink?"

"is that why?" you asked, and he hummed in response. "oh... okay."

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