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"and this is namjoon's office," you said, stopping at the door with the name professor kim's on it.

"he should be inside since most of his lectures are in the morning."

"thank you, y/n," jimin smiled, but his smile faded when he saw you turn around. "where are you going?"

"uh, do you still need me around or..." you awkwardly asked, scratching your nape. you thought jimin wouldn't want you around anymore since he'd be with namjoon, and you didn't want to disturb them.

"it's not that i need you, but i don't want you to go away," he frowned. "do you not want to see joonie? we don't have to if you don't want-"

"oh, it's not that i don't want to see him... i just thought i'd give you two some alone time," you said, causing jimin to chuckle.

"we don't need alone time, y/n," he said, gesturing to you to come back. "we get enough of that at home in each other's rooms. come on."

jimin knocked on the door when you were standing next to him again.

"come in!" namjoon called, putting the assignments he was going through down


namjoon was surprised to see you and jimin walk into his office. "why are you here?" he asked, getting up to embrace his boyfriend.

"do you want me to leave?" jimin asked, pecking his boyfriend's lips and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"it's not that," he chuckled while he ran his fingers through jimin's hair. "it's just sudden. even y/n coming here surprised me. hello, y/n," he greeted.

"hello, namjoon."

"why is it a surprise that y/n's here?" jimin asked, letting go of namjoon and sitting on the small couch. "you guys always come home together..."

"we don't ever meet at namjoon's office," you said, sitting next to jimin. "we meet outside."

"right," namjoon nodded. "now, why are you here? shouldn't you be at work?"

"you know how boring work is right now," he sighed. "the idols and actors are behaving themself, and there are no contracts to go over."

"navi asked him to come and keep me company so she could go on a date with one of the girls she told you about without feeling guilty for ditching me," you told him. "this entire time, i was showing him around campus."

"did you have to tell him all that?" jimin whined, rolling his eyes. "anyway, we decided to come and see you! i can't believe i'm finally visiting your office."

"you know my office is at a university campus, right?" namjoon asked. "bringing my partners for a visit isn't easy."

"how hard can it be?" jimin said. "we're not disturbing you, are we?"

"nope. i was looking through assignments, contemplating whether i should mark them," namjoon told him. "now i know i'm not going to mark them. let's go home, guys."

"are you sure?" you asked, and he nodded. "you usually go home later than this..."

"i was going to text you to find out if you wanted to go home," namjoon told you. "and i only go home later because you'd still be busy."

"you wait for y/n to finish so you can go home together?" jimin asked, and he nodded.

"that's so nice of you, joonie."

"you don't have to do that, namjoon," you muttered, thinking about all the times you stayed on campus after 5 p.m.

"don't worry about it, y/n," he said. "it allows me to get more work done."

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