twenty six

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"knock knock," you said, slowly opening jungkook's door. you knocked thrice, but because there wasn't an answer, you slowly let yourself into his room.

the room was dark, and the only light in the room came from one source, and that was jungkook's computer.

from what you could see, his room layout was not too different from yours. unlike your room, where your side would be facing the door if you were sitting at your table, jungkook's back faced you. his table was where your window daybed was.

you closed the door behind you and walked towards jungkook. he was sitting at his table, headphones on and music on blast. he was bopping his head to the song, and it looked like he was editing a video.

"jungkook," you said, gently tapping his shoulder, causing the man to quickly turn around and look at you with wide eyes.

"oh, it's you, y/n," jungkook sighed, pausing his music and putting his headphones on the table. "you kinda scared me, there," he chuckled, turning his chair to face you. "normally, i get a hard slap to the back of my head or a pinch on my shoulder. i'm not used to light tapping, so i wasn't expecting someone i knew."

"sorry for coming in without permission," you apologised, feeling awkward because this was his space, and he was clearly comfortable. the most comfortable you had seen him ever.

jungkook was shirtless, but he was wearing black shorts. his chest and sleeve of tattoos were on full display. he was leant back, sitting with his legs slightly spread. you've never seen him without a shirt, and you've never seen his full sleeve until now because he never wore sleeveless t-shirts.

"it's alright," jungkook said, turning back to his computer. "it's not like i could hear you, and i know you knocked more than once, y/n."

"seokjin asked me to come and tell you to come down for dinner soon," you told him. "what're you up to?"

"i'm editing a video," he said, pulling a stool out from under his desk and patting it. "would you like to take a look?"

"uh, okay," you nodded, sitting on the stool. "what's the video about?"

"it's a little personal vlog," jungkook explained, clicking on the files app. "gcf. golden closet films. that's my series. it's for videos and photos of trips and day-to-day life i film and edit."

"you like taking videos and photos?" you asked, and jungkook nodded. "that's cool."

"do you want to watch one of my vlogs?" he asked. "i could use some feedback from someone other than those guys."

"okay," you said, and jungkook grabbed his headphones before putting them on your head. he softly hummed to a song as he looked through his files for a video for you to watch. "do you only vlog yourself, or do you vlog with seokjin and the others?"

"it depends on the day, to be honest," jungkook said, clicking on a video. "sometimes, it's a video on a place i visited. sometimes it's a day in my life, and sometimes it's just a video of the guys. anyway, this is my most recent little vlog."

he clicked play, and you leaned a little forward to focus on the video playing. it started with a man, who you assumed was jungkook, but you could see his neck down, and it looked like he was taking notes. then it switched to a clip of the man walking his dog before his face appeared on screen. from what you could make out, he was sitting at his desk.

"today is going to be a pretty chill day," jungkook in the video said, looking at his watch. "i'm going to run, work out at the gym and then come home and shower. but before i do that, let me eat a fruit salad."

the clip faded before another came, and it was the kitchen. some music played as jungkook made himself a fruit salad.

"i don't always eat like this," he chuckled, popping an apple slice into his mouth. "don't be fooled," he said before the clip faded.

you watched jungkook go for his run, workout and come back home. he talked about getting some work done and showed himself programming something. it was a chill video, and if he was a youtuber, you'd watch his videos. he made the kind of vlogs and videos you like to watch.

"this is nice," you told him once the video ended. " why don't you upload them on youtube?"

"i don't really know," he shrugged, closing his folder. "it's something i started as a hobby and for personal entertainment. plus, i don't think people would watch these anyway. it's just videos about a random guy living his life."

"you'd be surprised when you find out how many like this kind of content," you said, finally looking at him. "i would definitely watch these. and i'm not saying this because i know and want to support you. i'm saying this because i actually would. you make the kind of content i like to watch."

"i'll consider it, y/n. thank you," jungkook said, turning on his desk lamp. "let's go downstairs and eat, shall we?"

"i'm actually going to pass on dinner tonight," you said, standing up. "i treated namjoon to sushi at sunny's, and i'm feeling full."

"alright," jungkook nodded, turning off his computer. "i'm going to put on a shirt and then go downstairs. if you're not coming back down, goodnight, y/n."

"goodnight, jungkook. thank you for showing me your videos and stuff," you gave him a small smile before leaving his room.

when you reached your room, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. you didn't realise until now that you actually lived with men. handsome men at that.

when you moved in, you expected to see them walk around shirtless. you expected them to be untidy and other stereotypical things about how men lived in their spaces. but the guys in this house were different. they never walked around with their man titties out, and they cleaned up after themselves.

seeing jungkook shirtless, leant back on the chair with his legs slightly spread made you remember that this person was a man.

"holy shit, y/n," you whispered to yourself, patting your cheeks. "let's go and wash your face. you need to rest."


"i think i'm going to make g.c.f official," jungkook said before popping a piece of meat into his mouth.

"finally," yoongi said. "we've been telling you to start a youtube channel for who knows how long."

"why did you finally decide to do it?" seokjin asked.

"y/n," jungkook told him. "she watched my most recent vlog and convinced me to post them on youtube."

"so y/n could convince, but we couldn't?" taehyung asked.

"don't put it like that, tae," jungkook chuckled, putting his fork down. "you guys are the first people to make me consider it. but i guess i needed an opinion from someone who isn't in love with me."

"you know we wouldn't convince you to do something just because we love you, right? or we want to see you happy even though we know it might flop, right?" yoongi asked. "i'm not saying that your videos will flop.i doubt they'll blow up at first, but i believe you'll get up there slowly."

"i know," jungkook sighed. 

"why didn't y/n come down for dinner?" hoseok asked. "i know we don't always eat together, but when we do, she's here."

"she told me she's feeling full from her time with namjoon," jungkook said before drinking some water. "i don't think she's going to come down later, either."

"aw, i wanted to talk to her," hoseok frowned. "i remember y/n telling me she danced while i was at the studio earlier. so i wanted to ask her if she'd like to come with me the next time i go."

"you can text her tonight," jimin suggested. "she might not be asleep."

"i'll try."

"when are you going to make the channel, kook?" namjoon asked. "and you better tell us when you do so we can be your first subscribers."

"i'm not sure when i'll start it, but i'll definitely start uploading videos soon," he shrugged. "but you know i'll tell you guys as soon as it's up." 'y/n, too.'

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