thirty one

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"what do you mean?" seokjin asked, taking off his glasses to look at his secretary.

"the organiser said we're missing a model..." his secretary repeated. "she will not shoot the commercials and take the concept photos without five models."

seokjin closed his eyes and sighed to calm himself down. this organiser was being difficult to work with, and it was starting to piss him off.

"please remind me to find another organiser when we're done promoting this line," he muttered, turning on his laptop. "when does she need this new model?"

"uh, within the next four hours."

"secretary cho, is she insane?" seokjin grumbled. "how does she expect me to find a new model in four hours?"

"i already tried calling our usual models who aren't on our set today, but all of them are busy," secretary cho sighed.

"if she wasn't so good at what she does, i would've stopped working with this organiser a while ago," seokjin grumbled. "how can someone be so picky? if anyone should be picky, it should be me! the models are showing off my new makeup line. my makeup line!"

"sir, what are we going to do?" secretary cho asked. "we can't afford to postpone this shoot. the director and photographer are fully booked, and we won't get another slot with them until the end of the month."

seokjin rubbed his temple as he tried to come up with a solution. "don't we have any staff who could pose as a model?" he asked, standing up to get his employee file. "does it have to be a woman? the last time i checked, there was no gender to my brand. i don't need a female model to promote my lipstick."

"the woman needs three women and two men. we have enough men, just short of one woman," secretary cho explained.

"the only person madam picky might accept is on maternity leave," seokjin frowned, closing his file. he pressed his lips into a thin line. "unless..."


"where did you find this young girl, mr kim?" madam picky, better known as miss hong jieun, asked. "she's a beauty..."

you awkwardly shifted in your place as the strange woman circled your form, eyeing you from head to toe.

when kim seokjin called you and basically begged him to come to an unknown location and do him a favour, this was the last thing you expected. you did not think you had the looks or body to be a model. let alone be a model for a brand like seokjin's.

"she's someone i know," seokjin grumbled.

"well, she's perfect!" miss hong smiled. "avery! valerie! please can you come and do this lovely lady's makeup? and get her into the clothes the other model was supposed to wear. they should fit her," she said, and two women approached you.

you looked at seokjin wide-eyed, and he gave you an awkward smile. as you were taken to the dressing room to get prepped, his smile dropped, and he turned to face hong jieun.

"miss hong, may i have a word with you," he said. without waiting for her response, he made his way to the balcony.

"yes, mr kim?"

"you know every single shoot you've taken charge of or directed has been perfect, right?" he said, looking down at the cars driving past the building. "the adverts and posters always come out excellent."

"yes..." she said slowly, not knowing where this conversation was going.

"i'm grateful for all that, but if you keep this up, i will not hesitate to work with someone else," he said, finally looking at her. his gaze was cold. what made it worse was how he basically towered over her form. "i understand you want to achieve the best result for me, but you need to learn to work with what you have available. this isn't the first time my staff and i have had to go out of our way to ensure you're pleased with something. last time, it was a prop we spent over an hour looking for. this time, it was a model. and the girl who came in isn't a model. she's a student that i had to beg to come here."

"mr kim, but i do in the interest of making sure everything is perfect for you," miss hong protested.

"and i acknowledged that," he said, turning away from her. "but this can't keep occurring, miss hong. i've expressed what i needed to say, and i hope this won't happen again."

when seokjin walked back onto the set to see you, the cold look on his face was replaced with a bright smile. the kim seokjin you knew was different from the kim seokjin the employees of ksj beauty knew. you were used to seeing your landlord in an oversized t-shirt and baggy sweats. and the employees have never seen him in something other than a three-piece suit.

"thank you so much for agreeing to do this, y/n," seokjin sighed. "you're a lifesaver."

"i don't think i'm fit for this," you muttered, glancing down at yourself before looking at the other models.

"miss hong thinks you're fit for this," seokjin smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder. "i know you're nervous. i can't imagine being asked to do something so professional with no experience."

"i could barely take school photos without feeling like running away," you muttered. "taking photos for your brand is... huge, seokjin. ksj is the leading cosmetics brand in the country. not only will old teachers and classmates see these, but the rest of the country!"

"don't think like that," he said, gently squeezing your shoulder. "relax and take some deep breaths. but you must tell me when you feel it's too much to handle. we can stop right then, and you won't have to go on."

"alright, people! the photographer and videographer are back," miss hong said, clapping her hands. "let's get into our positions."

you nervously looked at the set before looking back at seokjin. "you've got this, y/n," he smiled, taking his other hand in yours and gently squeezing it.

'i can do this.'


"miss y/n, you're a natural!" secretary cho exclaimed, handing you a juice box. "the photos came out so well, and one would think you're an experienced model!"

"i think you're overexaggerating," you chuckled, taking the juice box from him and taking a sip.

"he isn't," seokjin said. "you're killing it, y/n. would you like to see how some of the photos came out?"

"she can see them after we film the advert," miss hong said. "go and get dressed in the second outfit."

"i thought i was just going to model for the posters?" you asked with wide eyes.

"well, i wasn't sure if you'd pull off the photoshoot," miss hong said. "but seeing how well you did, i need you to be in the video advert! girls, come and take this lovely lady again, and prepare her for the next shoot!"

seokjin chuckled as he watched you get dragged away.

"sir, you just chuckled?" secretary cho gasped. kim seokjin rarely even smiled at work. "you just chuckled during work, and it wasn't because of one of your boyfriends!"

the smile on his face instantly disappeared, and seokjin looked at his secretary with a straight face, causing him to laugh.

"who is this girl to you, and where did you find her?" he asked. "it looks like she's more than a student you happened to know."

"she is," seokjin said. "she's a girl renting out a room in my house, and i've been too scared to properly get to know her."

it was situations like this where seokjin was envious of jimin. although it looked like he was confident, sometimes he was far from that. he wondered how life would be if he could become friends with someone as easily as jimin did. he had no problem talking to people, but making friends was a struggle.

the longest you've spoken to seokjin was the night you got drunk and the morning after. other than that, you had short conversations here and there, and he wanted to change that.

he didn't desire a landlord-and-tenant relationship with you anymore. he wanted you to see him as someone you could easily talk to... the same way you saw yoongi and jimin. but for that to happen, he needed to talk to you more often and make you feel less awkward around him.

"but after today, i think i'll change that," seokjin said as he walked you out of the dressing room. your hair was styled differently, your makeup was redone and changed to a more natural look, and you were in a new outfit. you looked good, and the ladies worked fast. "i definitely will."

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