twenty three

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"y/n," jimin said, tapping your shoulder, catching you off guard.

it was a saturday afternoon, and you were in the kitchen, earphones in your ear as you danced around while making yourself something to eat.

when jimin tapped on your shoulder, you were facing the pantry, so you didn't see or hear jimin walk into the kitchen.

"oh my gosh, you scared me," you gasped, taking an earphone out. "i thought i was home alone," you muttered, feeling embarrassed as you realised this man probably saw you dancing and lip-syncing to 'obsessed' by the artists zandros and limi.

"you were," jimin chuckled. "i just got home," he sighed, moving to sit on one of the barstools. "sorry for startling you, by the way. i called your name three times, and you wouldn't answer, so i thought you were sleeping. but then i walked in here and saw you."

"it's okay," you said. "how was work?"

"it looks like we're dealing with a plagiarism issue where an artist copied one of our' songs," he sighed, rubbing his temple. "i have to meet with this person's agency and ask them to take it down before we take public, legal action."

"you look so tired," you commented, taking the tortilla wraps from the pantry and placing them on the counter.

"i am," he groaned, leaning forward and resting his chin in his palm. he watched as you spread some sauce onto the tortilla. "what are you making?"

"wraps," you smiled, putting the contents of your wrap onto the tortilla. "do you want me to make you one?" you asked, and jimin nodded.

you only hummed in response before a comfortable silence fell over you. it's been almost a week since you and jimin decided to drop formalities. and since then, you've gradually gotten closer to him.

it started on tuesday when jimin assisted you with an assignment.

"need help?" jimin asked, watching you flip through some papers at the dining table.

although you had a desk in your room, big enough to do your work, you couldn't focus. so you decided to come downstairs and work here, hoping it would be better.

"please," you sighed, rubbing your temple. "i need to present a case to my lecturer and give them enough evidence to support my stance. but it's fifty-fifty. i swear i've read these documents five times, but i can't find anything to support one more than the other."

jimin's eyes widened when he saw the pile of papers on the table. "holy shit, i do not miss university," he chuckled, walking towards you and pulling out the chair next to you.

"let me have a look," he sighed, taking the documents out of your hand. "i was given something like this," he muttered, skimming over the topic. "you're lucky i did well. let's do this together."

jimin sat and helped you with your assignment for three hours. he sat and explained everything you didn't understand and helped you figure out a stance.

"have some tea, you two," seokjin said, putting two cups of rooibos tea on the table. "you've been busy since i got home, and that was two hours ago. i'm sure you two were busy long before i came home."

"thank you, seokjin," you sighed before bringing the cup to your lips to take a sip.

"thanks, jin," jimin said, putting the highlighter down and running his fingers through his hair. "we've been at this for three hours. i do not miss doing such assignments," he chuckled, taking the other cup.

"thank you so much, jimin," you said, grateful for his assistance. "i don't know what i would've done without you."

"you're welcome, y/n," he smiled. "it was actually refreshing. i haven't dealt with something that made me think this hard in so long."

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