twenty seven

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"i've been waiting for you to come and talk to me about something like this," navi almost squealed when you told her how you felt in jungkook's room last night.

you and navi were sitting in a cafe, having lunch before one of the rest of the classes.

"what do you mean," you muttered.

"girl, you're living with seven very attractive men. you were bound to tell me about them being hot or something along those lines," she said. "i'm not even surprised jungkook's got defined abs. he looks like the type to work out and stuff."

"was he not working completely shirtless in that mini vlog he showed me yesterday?" you gasped.

"if there's someone i want to see shirtless, it's kim fucking namjoon," navi said, taking a sip of her iced coffee. "that man radiates daddy energy, and i'll never forget the day i saw him in this shirt where his first two buttons were undone, and his sleeves were rolled up a bit."

"daddy energy?" you chuckled.

"yes, daddy energy!" she almost exclaimed. "with those glasses sitting on the edge of his nose, i almost screamed bend me over that table and fuck me from behind that day."

"navi," you gasped. "for your ass as a lesbian female to say you want him to bend you over it means he must've been looking great."

"girl, i may prefer women, but that doesn't mean i'm not going to acknowledge when a man looks hot and fuckable," she said, shaking her head. "but let me not talk like this anymore. this is your future man, and i can't be talking about my girl's boyfriend like that."

"my boyfriend?" you chuckled. "i'd understand if you said jungkook was my boyfriend based on what i told you about yesterday, but namjoon?"

"girl... you do realise that if something were to happen between you and that guy, something would happen between you and the others. they're a package deal," she shrugged.

"i guess you're right, but nothing like that will happen," you sighed. "just because i thought jungkook was attractive last night doesn't mean i have a crush on him."

"this is how it starts, my dear," navi sighed, shaking her head. "you're in denial right now, but i won't argue. it's adding to the plot, making this life of yours more interesting."

you took a sip of your milkshake. "anyway, enough about me. did you talk to seolhwa and byeol?"

"yes, i did, but i didn't tell them about my decision to join their relationship," she told you. "i'll have that conversation with them on friday."

"you better tell me how it all goes down," you said. "how do you plan on telling those girls how you feel?"

"i'm not going to do anything special," she muttered. "we're going to have a movie night at their place, and i'll bring it up then."

"my navi will be settling down soon," you happily sighed. "just as i'm getting out of a relationship, you're getting into one."

"i'm sure there'll be some love in your life soon," she told you. "give it a couple chapters, and we'll definitely get there," she shrugged.

"give it a year or two. and what do you mean chapters?" you asked, popping a chip (a french fry) into your mouth. "anyway, i feel like it's too soon for love. i no longer think about bruce like i used to, but i don't think i'm ready for anything romantic with anyone right now."

"if that's what you say," she shrugged. "we need to finish up here. we still have classes to attend."


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