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"the time you walked into my room when i was having a panic attack, i had just gotten off the phone with my aunt," you began.

"your aunt?" yoongi asked, and you nodded.

"after my parents passed away, my aunt took me in and raised me," you told him. "in the beginning, she was sweet and caring, and my aunt treated me like i was her own child. living with her was great... until it wasn't."

by now, yoongi had taken a seat next to you on the bed.

"out of what felt like nowhere, she became abusive and got mad over the littlest things," you whispered. "she would hit, shout at me, and call me names. living with her became hell, and i had to live that way for years."

"i'm sorry you had to live that way," yoongi unconsciously muttered.

"it's not your fault," you bitterly chuckled. "anyway, my aunt is the reason i moved. i couldn't live with her anymore, and suddenly left the house without her permission. she's been calling me and telling me to come back. and i don't want to, yoongi. i don't ever want to go back, but i'm scared. i'm so scared she'll come to find me and drag me back and-"

"relax, y/n," yoongi said.

"the call i just had... she'll come to the school to find me and trash this house to get me to return to her," you told him. "she can't do that, yoongi. i just got happy and comfortable here. i don't wanna go back to her-"

"it's going to be okay, y/n," he said, taking your hand and gently squeezing it. "i won't let your aunt get away with doing anything to you. and she won't be able to do anything to the house. getting past the gate isn't easy, and someone from inside has to let you in if you don't have access."

yoongi slowly let go of your hand and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, gently making your head rest on his shoulder. "is that everything i need to know?" yoongi softly asked.

"that's about everything you need to know," you whispered before you began to cry, not because you were sad but rather because you were relieved. you didn't realise how much keeping it all in affected you.

yoongi sat beside you, softly humming a song as you cried on his shoulder. he wanted to wrap both his arms around you and let you sob in his arms, but he didn't want to cross any lines and make you uncomfortable.

"should i let the others know?" yoongi asked once your crying had stopped. "if you don't want me to, i won't."

"you can but don't go into detail about my past..." you said, sitting up properly as you wiped your cheeks. "try telling the guys about my aunt wanting me back home without telling them everything she did to me. i'll tell them everything when i'm ready."

"okay," yoongi softly smiled.

"thank you, yoongi," you said. "for listening to me and letting me cry on your shoulder."

"it's okay, y/n," he told you, patting your head before standing up. "i'll give you some alone time and talk to the guys. we'll help you deal with your aunt, so please don't worry too much about it."

you only nodded, too embarrassed to say thank you again.


"yoongi?" seokjin asked when he saw his boyfriend walk in. "why did you run off like that? is everything okay?"

although yoongi wasn't upstairs with you for long, he was surprised to see his boyfriends still seated at the table. he thought they would've finished eating and moved on to do other things.

"i didn't think you guys would still be here," yoongi said, sitting down. "the soup's probably cold, right?"

"we couldn't just get up and move on," hoseok sighed. "our roommate- new roommate left the table in fear, and our boyfriend suddenly took off after her. what's going on, yoongi? is she okay?"

"she's not, but i'm sure she will be," yoongi sighed.

"are you allowed to tell us what's going on?" namjoon asked, figuring the topic could be sensitive, and y/n asked him not to say anything.

"sort of," yoongi told him. "you know y/n's aunt? the one she used to live with? she is basically forcing her to go back home." yoongi made air quotes when he said home. "she threatened to find her at school and trash her new place, a.k.a our house."

"oh my gosh," jimin muttered.

"the relationship y/n has with her aunt isn't the greatest," he told them. "remember how she told us she didn't care she'd be moving in with a bunch of men? and how that was because she was desperate to leave her living situation?"

"yeah," seokjin nodded.

"y/n doesn't want to go back to that house, and because of her aunt's threats... she began to panic. i went upstairs to stop her from having another attack," yoongi told them. "i'm sorry for leaving so suddenly without saying anything."

"there's no need to apologise, hyung," taehyung said. "but another panic attack..."

"it's happened once before," yoongi cut him off. "i don't know how often she has panic attacks, and i've only calmed her down from one."

the room fell quiet, and no one knew what to say or do. that's when the guys realised how much was behind your reserved personality. they had no idea, and if it weren't for yoongi, none of them would've known or gained the courage to ask you what was wrong.

"i feel like we need to make an effort to get to know y/n better," jimin sighed, realising how little he knew about you.

"i feel like that too, but you know how y/n is... you know how she likes to keep to herself," namjoon said.

"well, i'm sure we'll get to know her eventually," hoseok shrugged. "i'd say we're finally past the awkward and walking on eggshells-stage."

"right," jungkook nodded.

"i know, but... i just realised how little i know about her," jimin said. "like, the basic things a friend would know."

"it hasn't been long since she moved in, and it hasn't been long since she started to get comfortable," seokjin said. "give her time. it's clear she's starting to open up."

"let's drop this topic and give her some time," hoseok said. "y/n was able to talk to one of us about something like this means she's getting more comfortable, and that's good."

"right," yoongi said. "she'll tell us what she wants to tell when she's ready."

upstairs you were on the phone with navi, telling her about your aunt's threat and yoongi.

"i'm overreacting... aren't i?" you groaned. "gosh, i'm so embarrassed."

"no, you're not overreacting, y/n," navi said, running her fingers through her hair. "and you don't need to feel embarrassed. i'm proud of you for being able to open up about this and tell someone. i know it wasn't easy."

you pressed your lips into a thin line.

"i'll make sure nothing happens to you at school," she told you, balling her hands into a fist. "if that woman wants to try anything, she'll have to get through me."

"thanks, navi," you chuckled, popping a green candy into your mouth. "sorry for this... i was just-"

"don't apologise for something that isn't your fault, dear," she sighed. "anyway, yoongi seems like such a nice human."

"a nice human?"

"he treats you so nicely," she said. "he's always there for you when you need comfort-"

"and that's only been two times," you cut her off, rolling your eyes.

"that doesn't change anything!" navi exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "it's that so far, he's always been there. i'm just happy that you have someone else looking out for you, and i'm sure the others will be looking out for you too."


"i'm just saying that moving into that house was the best thing you've done for yourself in a while... and i don't think you realise it," she told you. "but i'm sure you'll see what i mean eventually."

"what're you on about?" you muttered.

"nevermind that," your best friend chuckled. "let me update you on the two girls!

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