twenty nine

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"baek y/n," the voice said, and you immediately wanted to cry as soon you recognised who it belonged to.

you couldn't believe she came all the way here to find you. you cursed yourself for sitting somewhere so open on your own, forgetting that you had a relative determined to take you back home... or at least what she considered was home for you.

"auntie," you said, standing up and looking around. "what're you doing here?"

"don't ask me like you don't fucking know," she said. her voice was soft, but her tone was harsh.

you closed your eyes and took a deep breath in before breathing out to calm yourself down. memories of your time in that house with her flashed in your mind, and your heartbeat increased.

"no, auntie... i don't know," you sighed, balling your hands into a fist to calm yourself down. "why are you here?"

"you've got a fucking mouth on you, huh? you think you can talk to me like that now you've left my house? what happened to the girl i raised? the girl who did everything i told her, no questions asked."

you hated how she spoke to you, how her voice went from harsh and demanding to soft and almost soothing. you hated how she would give a look of pure hatred and disgust and then look with concern in her eyes as if she wasn't the cause of all your pain. you hated everything about her and how she made you feel. you hated that deep down... you still cared about her well-being because she was your own family. even after everything she put you through.

"baek y/n, i'm not going to tell you again. you are to come back home tonight," she said, pointing a finger, eyes piercing into yours. you and your aunt were close in height. you were only a few centimetres taller than her.

"i told you i'm not going back there," you sighed. surprised that your voice didn't waver when you spoke to your aunt. "i'm hap-"

your sentence was cut off when she suddenly grabbed you by the back of your neck and harshly pulled you down. you winced as her grip tightened.

"we are not having this conversation again, baek-"

"i think you can talk to this young lady without holding her down like that," a voice said and turned to see someone you didn't want seeing you like this.

"i'm sorry, but this is my niece," your aunt apologised, letting go of your neck. there it was. the sweet voice she put up. "we were just having a little altercation. i was disciplining her-"

"i don't think that's discipline," he said, crouching down and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "let's get out of here."

"excuse me, but who are you to interfere?" your aunt asked, watching you get up with the help of an unknown male. this wasn't the boyfriend she knew about.

"i'm simply someone who won't let a person get treated like this," he told her before looking at you. "you're not hurt, right, miss? do you think we'll need to visit a doctor?"

"n-no, i'm alright," you said, and he nodded.

he looked at your aunt once more and gave her a slight bow before turning around and walking to his car with his arm around you. you were surprised she didn't follow you. instead, she huffed in frustration and walked away.

"i figured acting like i knew you wouldn't have been good," he sighed, opening the door for you. "watch your head, y/n."

closing the door, he walked to the other side of the car and hopped in.

before he started the car, he dug around in his hoodie pocket before pulling out a green-coloured candy. "want one?"

you took the apple-flavoured candy from him with a sigh. "thanks, yoongi."

he nodded before starting the car.

"how'd you end up here?" you asked, looking out the window. if you expected anyone to pick you up from the bus station by the school, it was namjoon. not yoongi.

"i was near the area, buying some painting supplies, when namjoon texted me telling me you were waiting for the bus," he explained, turning down the radio. "he asked me to pick you up, and i arrived just in time to see that woman pull you down."

you pressed your lips into a thin line. you hated how yoongi kept seeing you at your worst.

"that was your aunt, right?" he asked, looking at you for a second.

"yeah..." you sighed. "that was the person who made my life a living hell. i can't believe she came on campus to look for me."

not knowing what to say, yoongi let out a sigh.

"i'm sorry-"

"why are you apologising?" he asked. once he stopped at the red light, he turned to look at you.

"you keep seeing me like this and helping me- i'm sure you're tired of it," you muttered.

"i guess i can understand where you're coming from, but you don't have to apologise," he told you, taking one of your hands in his. "none of this is your fault. the panic attacks, the needing help, none of it. and i've only been there to help you three times. you could knock on my door at three in the morning and ask me to help you come down from a panic attack, and i wouldn't mind."

"why?" you asked. over the past few weeks, you've lived with the guys, you picked up a few of their habits. you knew yoongi loved to sleep, so you couldn't understand why he would-

"it's because i see myself in you a bit, y/n," he said, gently squeezing your hand. "and i know i would've wanted something or someone to help me when i felt how you feel now."

the red light turned green, and yoongi put his focus back on the road in front of him, with his hand still holding yours. 


a/n: sorry for the short chapter guys, but i hoped you enjoyed it! : )  the next one will definitely be longer.  

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