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"none of the guys said anything about you leaving the table like that? they didn't ask what was wrong?" navi asked with wide eyes, and you nodded.

it was now monday, and you were having lunch in the cafeteria with navi, talking to each other about the weekend.

"they didn't say anything the entire day on saturday or sunday," you said. "i don't think yoongi told them anything!"b

"or they do know what's going on, and the guys are just waiting for you to tell them everything when you're ready," navi shrugged, popping a cherry into her mouth. "well, not everything... but what you want to tell them."

"do you really think so?" you asked, and navi hummed in response.

"i think so," she shrugged. "i mean, if someone told me about a person's past, i'd wait for them to talk to me about it themselves compared to bringing it up."


"tell them when you're ready," navi said. "open up to them when you're ready."

"when i'm ready?"

"uh-huh," she smiled. "anyway, today i should be meeting with one of the girls. one on one."

"finally!" you exclaimed. "what's her name? in fact, you haven't told me any of their names..."

"i haven't?" she asked, and you nodded. "not even when i was telling you why i hadn't been able to see them?"

"not even."

"okay, let me tell you everything," navi said. "so there's byeol, and just like her name, she's a star. her hair is dyed black cherry, and it looks so good on her. she has a sleeve of tattoos on her right arm, snake bites piercings, a septum piercing, and a motorcycle- fuck, she's so hot."

"byeol, total baddie, got it," you nodded.

"then there's seolhwa, who's like the exact opposite of byeol," she smiled. "her hair is a blonde pink, and she's such a sweetheart. unlike byeol, she only has a double ear piercing and no tattoos. she's calmer and prefers to do safer things. gosh, seolhwa is such a cutie! she likes to read, watch anime and dramas-"

"okay, so they're the definition of opposite attracts?" you asked, and she nodded.

"and i questioned why they wanted someone like me to join their relationship," she sighed. "they both like me and my personality and feel like i can balance them out."

"you could," you told her. "you actually do fall in between both their aesthetics. anyway, who are you meeting today?"

"i'm meeting seolhwa," navi giggled, trying to bite back her smile. "i'm so excited."

"i can tell," you chuckled. "when are you going to meet each other?"

"today! any moment from now!"

"huh? then what about me? you're just going to leave me?" you frowned. "i can't believe you're leaving me for a date..."

"you left me for your ex multiple times. feel what i felt," navi said, rolling her eyes. "but i'm not that cruel. jimin's going to be here to entertain you."


"anyway, there's seolhwa," navi smiled when a girl with blonde pink hair slowly walked to your table. "and look, jimin's on his way here too."

behind seolhwa was jimin, who looked around the cafeteria. it was clear he was looking for someone.

"over here!" navi called, catching both jimin's and seolhwa's attention.

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