thirty six

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"are you satisfied with your stance?" jinyoung asked, looking up from his pile of documents. "i think i'm satisfied with mine and have enough evidence to support it."

you read over your final note with your eyebrows furrowed. it was a lovely sunday afternoon, and you were in a cafe, finishing your assignment. "i'm not sure. i feel like i'm missing something," you sighed. "i might have to ask jimin for help one more time."

"do you think we'll be able to submit this by the end of this week?" he asked, and you nodded.

"other than this little piece, i'm satisfied with everything else. so if i ask jimin for help today, i'll definitely be done by wednesday," you told him. "i just want to get this task over and done with."

"me too," your partner groaned as he stretched his arms. "since we're basically done, what would you like to eat? lunch is on me."

"if it's on you, allow me to go all out," you joked, picking up the menu. "hmmm, there's so much to choose from."

"you don't have to pick just one thing, you know," he told you, picking up his menu. "go all out, i don't mind."

"you don't?" you asked, looking at him with a raised brow. you were joking about going all out, but your partner seemed serious.

"i don't," he chuckled. "you're my friend now. and one thing i like to do with my friends is spoil them. you'll get used to it, cupcake."

you cringed at the nickname but chuckled at the memory of how it came to be. "you weren't joking about the nickname, huh?"

while working together, the topic would move from your assignment to something random, bringing you and jinyoung closer. you dropped formalities and got to know more about each other.

while on a call with him, you went through baby pictures, showing him your happy childhood pictures before your parents passed and before your aunt changed. he knew your parents died, and your mother's sister looked after you, but you kept her treatment to yourself.

while going through pictures, jinyoung picked up how often he saw a cupcake or something cupcake-related.

"you must've liked cupcakes a lot," he chuckled, looking at you showing the camera a cupcake you decorated with your mom.

"i did," you smiled sadly, looking at the picture. "and my mom made the best."

the nickname came from a video your father recorded, asking you what you'd like to be when you grow up.

'now, tell us, y/n. what would you like to be when you grow up?' your dad asked, zooming into your cheeky face. you had icing all over your hands and mouth.

'a cupcake!" five-year-old y/n exclaimed, causing your parents to laugh. you and jinyoung chuckled, too.

"you were so cute, cupcake," jinyoung said. "and i think the nickname fits you perfectly!"

"i'm a grown woman," you whined. "it might've suited me when i was ten or younger, but not now. "

"sorry, cupcake, but it's here to stay," he laughed.

"fine, then," you huffed. "i'll start calling you j.y.p.," you told him, knowing how much he disliked that. "i'll say it like he does at the beginning of twice's alcohol-free."

"okay! the nickname is not staying," he muttered, causing you to cackle. "let's just order food, eat, and see what the rest of this day has planned for us."


taehyung was lying on his bed, watching a youtube video, when someone softly knocked on the door.

"come in, yoongi!" he said, sitting up. taehyung knew it was him just from how he knocked on the door. he always softly and slowly knocked three times.

"hey, tae," yoongi said, stepping in and closing the door behind him. "you busy?"

"you know i'm never too busy to make time for you," he smiled, patting the bed, telling yoongi to come sit down. "what's up, hyung?"

"why did you assume something was up?" yoongi frowned. "what if i just wanted to chill here with you?"

"the way you act when you want to talk about something serious, compared to the way you act when you just want to chill, are different," taehyung told him, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulder. "and i can figure that all out just by how you walk in or walk up to me."

"why are you so observant," yoongi grumbled while taehyung shrugged. "anyway, i told someone else about... you know..." he couldn't bring himself to say his ex's name.

"that's a bit surprising," taehyung admitted. his head was still on yoongi's shoulder. "you must have a close relationship with this person if you could tell them about that part in your life." although he had an idea of who this person was, he wouldn't ask until yoongi told him himself.

whenever his boyfriend came to talk, it was either because he needed comfort to deal with the situation, or he just wanted to talk to himself while someone listened. to have someone add a little input to help him reorganise his thoughts.

and today, it seemed like the latter.

yoongi wasn't overwhelmed with emotion, and he didn't seem like he was on the verge of a breakdown. he looked confused, and his eyebrows were furrowed as he thought about something.

"i don't know why i didn't avoid the topic like i did when namjoon first asked," he muttered.

"he was our boyfriend, and we had become close. i can't even say this person and i are close."

yoongi wanted to become close to you, but he couldn't keep a conversation going. he couldn't think of something you'd both like or be interested in, and he didn't know what he could talk to you about. he refused to consider his helping you as bonding or whatever you wanted to call it.

"well, back then, you were still finding yourself and getting used to him not being around." taehyung started. "now, you might feel it's easier to talk about it because of how much you've changed positively since then."

"i mean, that could be the case," yoongi almost whispered, shaking his head. "i know seeing myself in this person has definitely influenced my decision to tell them, but i don't think that's it."

"what else could it be?"

"that's the thing. i can't put my damn finger on it," yoongi groaned, running his fingers through his hair. "but i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually. right?"

"i'm sure you will, hyung," taehyung said, lifting his head off his boyfriend's shoulder. "give yourself time."

"thank you for lending me your ears, baby," yoongi sighed before pecking his lips. "i love you so much."

"you don't have to thank me, hyung, but i love you too," he smiled before capturing his lips in his. his hand moved up and held yoongi's cheek as he deepened the kiss. 

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