Go mate with the blonde bimbo

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"Avery! Come out of your room!" Cried mom. I didn't answer her, just nuzzled deeper into my bundle of covers. Here, I was safe, warm and as happy as I could be with my current circumstances.

"What's the matter, dear? C'mon, darling. Please?" Dad begged, worried.

My wolf howled lonesomely inside my head. I flinched.

Mate! We must be with mate! She claimed, pitifully.

He doesn't want us. He tried to kill us! I reasoned.

She just let out another depressing moan.

It's better this way. We can't mate, don't you remember what we promised Ethan?

My wolf whimpered, but didn't say anything else.

"Avery? What is wrong, hon?" my mom called through the door.

"I'm sick! I can't go to school today!" I called, then let out a fake cough to emphasis the point.

"Oh, ok dear. Make sure to drink plenty of water," dad reminded.

I agreed and listened as their footsteps walked away. I heard their cars pull out of the drive way and leave, then I heard nothing.

I was alone.

I pulled this "sick" act for 2 more days before my parents called my bluff. They picked the lock on my door and forced me up and at 'em.

I seriously wished we still lived in New York so I could run into mid morning traffic. But no, I got in my car and drove to school. I gave my excused absence slip to the front office and trudged to class.

Mrs. Howard's class. I have this class with Derek. I swear, I'm not afraid of him or anything like that. That'd be... pathetic or something. I just can't stand the guy. But once I walked into class, every werewolf in the room was watching me.

News travels fast. Derek stood up, and marched toward me, grabbing my arm and yanking me out the door.

"Get off of me," I growled, ripping my arm out of his grip.

"Where have you been? You think you can just scream at me, then run off?" He snarled.

I glared icily.

"Considering I don't belong to you, I can do whatever I want." I said coldly.

He growled.

"You are mine. You belong to me. You don't get to just leave whenever you want." he said, eyes flashing from green-blue to gold.

"You aren't my Alpha," I said.

"I'd like to disagree."

"You know what? How about you leave me alone and go play with your blonde bimbo," I snarled, then turned around and strutted right back into class, ignoring everyone's stares.

Derek came back into class moments later, sitting in his seat angrily. His eyes never left the back of my head for the rest of class. As soon as the bells rang, I was out of that class and to my next one.

Luckily, I didn't have social studies with Derek, but I did have math. As soon as I walked into that class, I completely ignored his existence. I sat as far away from his as possible and whenever he came to speak to me, I looked at him blankly and didn't say a word.

He finally gave up, stomping back to his own desk. I couldn't escape him in the halls though. He power housed right up to me and said

"Ok, I know I screwed up when I bit you, but I apologized ok? What the hell did I do wrong?" he demanded.

"You are a complete coward, and you make me sick to my stomach. I wish you'd go away and never speak to ms again!" I spat, backing away from him.

He looked furious.

"Do not disrespect me! I am your Alpha!"

"An alpha! Not my Alpha!" I pointed out.

"No, technically since you're my mate, you're automatically in my pack." He shot back.

"Not if I reject your a** and leave the country," I murmured.

Still, he heard and let out a growl. He grabbed me by my arms and slammed me into some lockers. I refused to make a noise, but still winced at the pain.

"You will not leave me," he said, but then his features softened,

"Please. Don't leave me." he begged, his voice cracking at the end. He leaned his head against my collar bone.

I felt my resolve melt, but still, I remembered his plan.

"I know you don't really want me. You tried to kill me. To get rid of me before your pack found out that I am your mate," I said, eyes filling with tears.

He straightened, eyes wide.

"That's what you thought was happening?" he exclaimed, hurt.

"Why would I want to get rid of my mate?"

I gave him a "are you kidding me?" look.

"You bit me."

"I didn't mean to! And even if I was trying to kill you, why would I bring you back to my pack house to be healed? I could've just left you in the woods," he pointed out.

I felt my eyes widen. I hadn't thought about that.

"Oh uh..."

He waited, looking at me expectantly.

"What about the blonde girl! Julie or Jessica..." I trailed off.

"Jessica? Oh well, she's my girlfriend."
My blood ran cold.


I waited for him to say he was going to break up with her. That he was going to leave her now that he had a mate.

He didn't. I ducked under his arm and ran away. Thank god I didn't have Science with him.

Sorry for the short chapter! How do you guys like the story so far? I think it's coming around a little slow, but it'll get better as the story moves a long.

So, just wondering, whose your favorite character? There's not many yet, but you're going to meet someone new soon!

Comment, Like, Vote!

I'll post again soon ok? Love u guys!

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