Basket cases and Murderers

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With that snap, everything went in slow motion. Uriah, snarled and lurched forward, while Derek shifted and attacked Uriah.

Brandon fell to the ground, letting out a cry so heart breaking, I know it'll never leave my brain. Then, chaos erupted, rogues against pack member.

Blood, and death filled the air, and I stood there, barely breathing. Brandon had just killed someone. My sweet, funny Brandon, had just taken a life.

A cry of pain filled the air and my attention returned to Derek, who was pinned to the ground. I felt panic set in, and I ran back to the building.

I went downstairs, where I saw Jessica's attempt to murder her murderer. I guess this really is a kill or be killed world.

I dropped on my knees and searched the ground frantically, until I finally found it. The cool metal seemed to burn my hand, as if it knew my intentions.

I scrambled back upstairs, and burst through the doors. The world outside was frantic, and blood thirsty. It attacked each other with viscous malice, and I knew that this would never end.

Werewolves would always fight. It's in their blood to never settle. Rogues will always want something, like my parents wanted their freedom, and Jessica wanted revenge.

In the end, we'd just hurt the people around us, fighting, and scratching to get what we want.

So, I knew them, that I had to set aside what I wanted, my beliefs, my feelings, and I had to do what was best for my people.

So I lifted my hand, I aimed, and I pulled the trigger. I was now a full fledged Luna.

Uriah dropped, lifeless on the ground. Along with him, I dropped Jessica's gun. Derek's wolf stared at me bewildered, as I tried not to break down.

All the fighting stopped. All the death. All the pain. This is how you fix things. You take the want. All the rogues were here because of Uriah, all my wolves were here because of the rogues.

"Listen up! Here's the deal. Rogues, you leave. You spread out. And you never come back. Why would you do this? Because now you can.

Uriah is gone, and so is Jessica, who was controlling Uriah. You're free to flee. And isn't that what rogues want most? To be free? So run. Before we change our mind and kill you all," I finish, looking at the ground coldly.

It took a moment, everyone was still. Then, one wolf took off to the trees, then another, and another, and another.

Soon, every rogue left and the pack howled in victory, while I stood there defeated. So many lives lost, this was not happy, this was only sad.

I turned around, and went to Brandon, who was curled up on the ground, sobbing.

"Hey... Are you ok?" I murmured, holding out my hand.

Suddenly, he snarled and lunged at my hand, threatening to bite. I gasped, pulling away sharply. Tears filled my eyes as I looked into Brandon's empty, wolf eyes.

He was gone. His wolf had taken over fully. 45% of the time when a werwolf's mate dies, their wolf takes over to deal with the pain.

The human soul is lost, and this person will ultimately go insane and will hurt anyone who comes near it.

I gaze at Brandon with so much pain, I feel like my heart was ripped from my chest. My best friend died that day with his mate.

Derek came up behind me, embracing me tenderly. That's when I started to cry. We went back to the Pack House to access our numbers.

23 pack members died. Not including Brandon's human soul. Not including Jessica. Not including the selfish side of me that I had to sacrifice to become who I am now.

That war changed everything. I had to learn something I hope you figure out the easy way. Life isn't about us.

We can live, only thinking about ourselves and doing what's best for just one person, us. Or we can think about the whole. We could help hundreds of people in our short lives! Or just you. But that's your choice.

I've already made mine.

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