A Shattering Soul

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Derek in his tux 😍

So guys, guess what I'm working on? If you guessed another story, then you're right. If not, then you suck.

But I love you so it's ok. Anyways, back to my new story. It's going to be the next one I post after this story is over, so I'll tell you when I post it ok?

Oh mer gerd I can't wait this next story is going to be awesome.

In the midst of a faster dance, Derek suddenly stopped. By the way his eyes glazed over slightly, I knew he was getting a message through the pack link.

"Avery," he said, looking at me sharply.

Instantly, worry hit me.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, startled.

"We have to go," he demanded, grabbing my arm and starting for the door.

"Why?" I asked, tripping in my heels to follow him.

"The pack is in trouble," he said. I felt my heart skip a beat.

Oh god, what's happening?

"The rogue army attacked," was all he said.

We started running to the car, we both fling ourselves in, and drove off. Derek drove as fast as he could, while I gripped onto the swat as hard as I could to keep from being flung forward.

After awhile, I could smell blood in the air. This just made Derek press heavier on the gas. Finally, Derek stopped the car. He told me to go inside and hide in the cellar, but I refused to listen.

I ran off into the battle, hoping that JJ was alright. Smoke was thick in the air, and I realized that the rogues had set some house on fire.

I coughed, holding my sleeve against my mouth to breath in less smoke. Finally I found Brandon, who was fighting a rogue. As soon as I came within 10 feet, the rogue was killed and Brandon turned to me.

"Good, you're ok! You need to go inside the pack house, the rest of the young, old and untrained are in there," he said, panting slightly.

I felt like this was all a dream. Like, I was far away from myself.

"JJ?" I asked.

"She's with the women." I sighed in relief.

Good, these vengeful wolves won't get her in there.

"Ave, you need to get out of here!
It's dangerous!" He urged, nudging me in the direction of the pack house.

I brushed him off.

"You're coming with me," I said stubbornly.

He smiled sadly and shook his head.

"No, I'm staying, I'm a pack warrior. This is my duty."

I sighed, resigned.

"Fine, just be safe. Stay close to Derek, will you? Keep my Fito in one piece too."

He nodded soberly, attempting a smile before shifting and taking off. I watched for a moment before my senses returned and I realized I was standing in the middle of a giant rogue battle field.

I ran at full speed, dodging people and wolves alike until I got to the pack house. A giant, dark brown wolf jumped I front of me, growling.

"Wait, stop! It's me, Avery. I'm Derek's mate," I explained quickly, holding up my hands in surrender. The wolf stopped growling, then bowed its head momentarily before letting me pass.

I ran Ito the building and followed the scent of people to the basement. As soon as the door closed, a small, colorful person hurled itself at me.

"Avery! Thank god, you're ok!" JJ sighed, relieved.

I hugged her tightly too.

"Right back at ya! I was so worried!" I replied, letting her go and examining her for any injuries. She laughed at that.

"Ave, I'm fine! All of us are. We're just hoping the pack warriors are," she said softly towards the end.

I felt myself sink in to my own concerns. Not only was my mate out there fighting, but so was Sam, JJ's mate.

JJ and I stayed hooked by each other's side, in the dark, waiting for our mates to return.

What if they don't? My wolf whimpered.

They have to. I snapped.

I knew that I couldn't survive without him.

Because Alpha said soOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz