Nurse Avery

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It seemed like hours before the noise stopped. All of it. The growling, the screaming, the heavy footsteps.

It just all ended. It was deadly quiet, and I'm pretty sure we all forgot how to breath. Then, I heard the front door open.

It was a sound that made my heart jump into my throat. I felt paralyzed with fear and hope. Then, footsteps. They stopped at the entrance to the basement.

No one said a word, not even the rowdy pups. Sam burst in, carrying a very bloody Derek. I let out a little cry before running towards them.

Oh god, there's so much blood.

"Derek? Derek?!" I cried, my hands hovering over him, fearfully.

"He's hurt. But most the blood is not his," Sam claimed, somber.

He set him down gently on the floor.

"The pack doctor is working on the more seriously injured. Does anyone have any medical experience?" Sam yelled, searching the crowd for help.

I did. I had medical experience. I went to a nursing camp for 2 months when I was in 9th grade.

"JJ, bring me a first aid kit!" I demanded, crouching down next to my mate.

A few seconds later, the plastic box was placed next to me.

"Where is he hurt?" I asked Sam.

"His left arm and his shoulder."

I took off his now bloody button up shirt, his black jacket and his silver/black bow tie. He had a deep scratch on his shoulder, and it looks like someone pulled a switch blade on his bicep.

Probably missed trying to cut his shoulder wound. His cut wasn't bleeding anymore, which was a good sign, but his shoulder was.

I grabbed his button up and told Sam to apply pressure, then I put some alcohol on the wound, to clean it.

I put ointment on it, then wrapped it tightly with a bandage.

"Has the bleeding stopped yet?" I asked Sam.

He shook his head.

I gulped. I'd have to give him stitched. My hand shook as I searched the first aid for something that would work, I was slightly surprised to find the material I needed.

But then I remembered that I was in a wolf pack. People get hurt all the time, especially when they go hunting in wolf form. I take a deep breath and began.

By the time I was done, I had had to give him 8 stitches. I set my supplies aside, wrapped the wound, then leaned back. I just then realized how everyone had been watching me closely.

Like they had been trying to memorize my every move. I blushed, but turned my attention back to Derek, who was still unconscious.

I felt tears fill my eyes. The first thing that popped into my mind was:

What if he doesn't wake up?

After everything was settled, the pack doctor was able to check Derek out. He seemed impressed by how well I was able to stitch him up.

I went around and helped heal the other pack members after the doctor told me Derek would be fine. I met the pack then.

I don't really think that's how I planned to meet them. I think I was more prepared for Derek to introduce me formally, but seeing as my mate was knocked out,

there was only one pack doctor, and I had experience, things didn't exactly go as planned. Nobody died, which was great. But we did capture a rogue.

He was short, but muscular. He was in his late 20's and had a cut going across his forehead. I told some of the pack warriors to put him in the prison cells.

Derek could decide what to do with him once he woke up. It took awhile to patch up our ruffled pack, but soon, everyone was ok.

I was talking to some of the mates of the injured on how to take care of their men, when JJ came running up to me.

"He's waking up," she claimed, panting from her sprint over.

I hurriedly excused myself from the pack women, and ran to Derek. I fell by his side and watched as he fidgeted in his sleep. Then, those beautiful, green-blue eyes popped open.

"Avery?" Derek called.

"I'm right here," I murmured, taking his hand.

"You ok?"

I almost started bawling when he asked me that. He's lying there half dead and he asked me if I'm ok.

"I'm fine, babe. What about you? Are you in pain?"

He chuckled drily.

"Nah, I'm good. Doc did good stitching me up."

Sam and JJ started laughing softly at that.

"Dude, the pack doctor didn't stitch you up. Ave did," Sam said, shaking his head at his best friend.

Derek looked at me surprised, then smiled this beautiful smile that lit up my world and made this horrible week so much better.

"Is there nothing you can't do?" He cooed, reaching up to stroke my cheek.

I blushed, but didn't say anything. Finally after a few seconds, it all just came pouring out. The stress, the fear, the sadness, the anger, the relief.

I started sobbing like a baby. Derek looked startled when the tears just began running down my face.

"Don't you ever do this to me again, Derek Moore! I swear to god, you just aged me 10 years! I refuse to be Luna if I have to patch you up every time you step out of my sight," I blubbered.

He pulled me against him so that I laid against his chest as I cried my heart out. He rubbed my back soothingly as I soaked the front of his shirt in tears.

"I love you so much, Ave," he whispered, adoringly.

"I love you too, Derek, but next time you put me through this, I'm warning you, you won't die of blood loss."

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