Problems need solutions

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"We need to prepare before the rogues decide to attack. Which means, we take training more seriously, we keep a weapon in every home and no more traveling outside pack territory.

We have dangerous enemies. We can not afford to lose lives," Derek stated.

The pack nodded. I don't really understand why I'm at this pack meeting. Maybe because I'll be starting Luna training soon, or maybe Derek is just saying that these rules go for me too.

Even though, technically I live off of pack territory. as everyone began leaving, Derek gestured me over.

"I've given you as much time as I could afford. I need an answer. When can you move in?" He asked.

I sighed.

I've been trying to put this off. I mean, I wanted to move to California after high school, start an art gallery or take acting classes. Something!

I didn't want to be dragged down just yet. I didn't want to find my mate, but I know now that you don't always get what you want. I admit, I was selfish.

But now I'm a Luna, or soon to be. I have to be responsible.

"After Christmas," I claimed.

I had already talked to my parents about it.

They weren't happy, since that was only in a few weeks, but they understood. This is what I wanted. He nodded, then smiled.

"I already got you a present," he boasted.

I laughed.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I wondered.

"Ah ah ah! I can't tell you," he teased.

I growled playfully.

"Come on! I promise to act surprised!" I swore.

"Scouts honor."

He chuckled.

"I assume we'll be spending the holiday together?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my waist and bringing me closer.

I nodded.

"Together with my parents."

He winced, but nodded.

"Ok, yeah. So, what did you get me?"

I swirled a strand of hair around my finger nervously.


"You haven't gone shopping yet?" He gasped, faking hurt.

"Actually I have! I just haven't found the perfect gift yet. This is my first time shopping for you," I reminded, bash fully.

He smiled.

"I'm just kidding, babe. You don't need to get me anything."

Aw. He's so sweet. I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Of course I'm getting you something! And it'll be the best gift ever," I huffed.

He laughed.

"You're so stubborn."

"So are you!"

"You're worse."

"Am not!"

He laughed at my denial before planting a kiss on my lips. I immediately responded.

I missed this. Lately, we haven't had time for the kisses and the sweet words. So much has been going on.

I wish, sometimes that we could be normal, but I know it wouldn't be the same. I love Alpha Derek, but I also love Sweet, care free Derek.

The ladder is sort of hard to find. The kiss started to get more heated, as Derek tried to reclaim my attention. I reached up and tugged some strains of hair.

His hair is getting long though. Maybe I could cut it. I've never cut hair before. Derek snapped me out of my mental rant by groaning.

"Ave, pay attention!" He muttered.

I giggled, then kissed him again. He deepened the kiss, adding tongue.

We fought for dominance, which of course, Derek won. Then, I pulled away, gasping for breath.

"You haven't kissed me like that in awhile," I panted.

He chuckled.

"I want to kiss you like that every day," he stated.

I blushed at the thought. God, this boy would drive me bonkers.

"You know, Ave. I've never been this happy then when I'm by your side. Just the thought of you being their makes life easier.

I can't imagine breathing without you. It's like, before I was floating around in the dark, alive, but not knowing how beautiful the world can be.

Then you came along; you were the light. You brought color and shapes, everything. You made my life more. Honestly, I need you. I love you, Avery." He said seriously.

I gaped at him.

That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever uttered to me.

"Derek, you're brilliant. I honestly don't think I could be the person I am now without you. You changed everything. And I love you too."

He smiled, this beautiful bright smile that lit up the world and then, we kissed. Again.

And it was the happiest moment of my life.

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