First date

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Pic is of Avery's dress

Derek was nuzzling my neck, making me giggle.

"D-d-Derek! Stop! It ti-tickles!" I gasped.

He chuckled, and continued. I finally just fell off the couch and rolled away from his grasp.

"Come baaaaack!" Derek groaned, reaching for me.

"I don't wanna be tickled!" I cried, staying far away.

"But I love you...." He complained.

"Love me from a distance," I giggled.

He slowly started to get up.

"You better get back over here, or I'm Gonna come get you and you won't like that," he threatened.

I stayed where I was.

"One..." I fidgeted nervously.

What was he going to do?

"Two...." he counted, a deviously look in his eyes.

Oh god, what if he does something terrible?

"Thr-" I interrupted him by launching my self at him.

He let out an oomph as I flopped on top of him. His arms instantly wrapped around my waist.

"You were almost puppy chow," he joked playfully.

I fake whimpered and gave him my doe eyes.

"You'd do that to me?" I asked, poking out my bottom lip.

He groaned.

"Noooooo! Not the bottom lip!" I chuckled at him, then we snuggled silently for a few minutes.

"Hey, Ave?"


"Wanna go on a date?"

I broke out in a smile, immediately.

"Heck yeah! Boy, what's taken you so long?"

He grinned bash fully at me before kissing my cheek and standing up, pulling me with him.

"Wear something nice. Like that dress I got you! I'll pick you up at six," he said, then planted a kiss on my lips and hurried out the door.

I sighed happily. I'm going on my first date with my mate.
3 hours later

I am now freshly showered, as I blow dry my hair. Ok, I am not extremely a girly girl, but I do like dressing up on occasion. I don't enjoy dresses, but I do like makeup.

So I apply my concealer, my powder,my blush, then my eye shadow, my mascara and a little eye liner. I straightened my hair, then slip on my dress and some strappy white heels.

Now I'm done! I check the time; 5:53. Any minute now! I strut down stairs, trying not to stumble in my two inch heels. I sit on the couch, and start playing on my phone.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. I squeal, and rush to open it. There stands Derek, looking very handsome in a white tux with a black bow tie.

He gapes at my form, opens his mouth, then snaps it shut.

"You look... beautiful," he finally choked out.

I blushed.

"You look really good too," I stated shyly.

He grinned and pulled me outside. He gave me a corsage made of white roses and baby's breath, then opened the door to his black mustang with a bright red strip going down the middle.

I slid into the leather interior with a smile on my face. Oh my god, this is so cool! Derek closed my door, then walked around to sit in the driver's seat.

"So where are we going?" I wondered, curiously.

He grinned.

"It's a secret," he claimed.

I pushed air out of my mouth.

"I don't like surprises!" I whined.

He laughed.

"Too bad, princess."

"Don't call me princess, fido!"

He just stuck his tongue out at me. Oh! He did not! I puckered my lips at him, slightly annoyed at the mystery.

He took the chance to reach over and and peck me. I gasped and swatted him away. He laughed, and continued to drive.

When we pulled up to my favorite Italian restaurant, I squealed in excitement and pushed out of the car. I almost ran in without Derek as he chuckled at me.

We went in and got a seat outside on the terrace, where white Christmas lights set off a soft glow with the setting sun. It was beautiful!

I ordered the chicken Parmesan with Alfredo sauce, while Derek got the steak pasta pie. It was so delicious, then we talked for awhile.

After the sun set, Derek paid. I argued that I should at least pay for tip, but he gave me a stern look and said that he asked me out, so he pays the bill.

We got in the car, and I felt a little disappointed that it was ending so soon. It had only been an hour and a half! Then, we passed my house.

"Um, Derek? Where are we going?" I asked.

He just smiled and didn't answer. I frowned, looking ahead with worry. Then, we pulled up to my school, which was packed with cars.

What were we doing here? Derek opened the door for me as I trailed behind him, confused. He gripped my hand as he opened the door to the gym, which was a separate building.

Music blared out at us! The whole gym was decorated in white and silver, making it look like a disco exploded.

There were strings attached to the ceiling that hung down low, a long with sparkling confetti all over the floor.

The student body danced, all clad in formal wear, while their was a DJ, in the corner playing the loud music. A large banner proclaimed


I gaped, surprise coursing through me. I completely forgot about freakin prom! Derek clears his throat, claiming my attention.

"I know things have been really hectic lately, especially since you're moving in soon. I thought of I took you to something normal like this, it might help relax you," he explained, smiling softly.

I felt my heart melt. Oh my god, this boy is perfect. A slow song started to play on the speakers, so I dragged Derek out onto the dance floor. That was probably the happiest four hours of my life.

Then my world started falling into pieces.

Cliffhanger!!!! Oh my god that word is so weird. Anyway, remember to like comment and vote!

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