Well this is awkward

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"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late, Derek was being a bit protective," I apologized, jogging up to the group. (She shifted and changed 5 minutes before she met with them)

"Yeah, I heard. Geez, I think he busted my ear drum with that scream," Brandon complained, holding his ear and mock wincing.

I blushed, turning away.

"So about that run," I reminded, changing the subject.

"Waiting on you. Lets go," Jake smiled, shifting into his black wolf, followed by each of the boys, each of them a black wolf.

I could only tell the difference because Sam had more white on his jaw than anyone else, Brandon had no white, Jake had a little white and Matt had the least, but still wasn't completely black.

I shifted into my white-grey wolf, feeling a little left out being a lighter color. Then, we ran. The forest flew by in swirls of greens and Browns as we raced. My wolf howled in joy as we dashed through a small creek.

Suddenly, a growl stopped all of us dead in our tracks. A red wolf, a very familiar red wolf, walked menacingly out from the underbrush. My mate.

All of you need to go home! He growled.

My ears flicked back nervously as I tried to prance away from him.


I almost cried in frustration as I turned back to him.


You and I need to talk.

Oh pumpernickel.


You can't just run off whenever you want! I'm your mate and your alpha and you'll do as I say, and I told you to stay at the pack house.

But I was fine! You were being over protective and I had made a prior commitment. I grumbled.

Derek's wolf rolled his eyes. Huh. I didn't even know we could do that in wolf form. That is talent.

I'm sure they would have understood. And that's another thing! I don't ever want to see you alone with other guys again. I always have to be there, you got it?

I gaped at him.

What?! No! I do not got it! You're allowed to have a girlfriend while you have mate, but I'm not allowed to have guy friends? That's so unfair! I said outraged.

Derek's wolf trembled with fury as he tried to hold himself back.

You will do as I say. Or you will be punished. He growled.

My eyes burned as I backed away from him. His eyes seemed to soften, seeing my hurt.


I turned and ran. I listened, and went back to the pack house, grabbing my clothes on the way. I sniffled as I pulled my shirt on, and shuffling into my pants.

"Ave?" A masculine voice asked.

I spun fearfully, but saw it was only Brandon. I threw myself into his arms and cried.

"Avery? Whats the matter?" He asked, shocked.

"D-D-Derek yelled at me about having guy friends, even though he's dating that butt wipe, Jessica! I'm just s-so an-angry!" I blubbered into his chest.

He rubbed circles on my back, trying to soothe me.

"Sh, it's ok. Its ok,"

"What the hell?!" A voice screamed.
"Get your hands of my mate!" A very angry Derek commanded from behind me.

I pulled away, but kept my eyes on the ground and attempted to dry up my face with the end of my sleeve.

"Leave us alone, Derek. I don't feel like dealing with this today," I said, glaring at him.

He sucked in a breath, then growled.

"What do you mean 'this'?" He demanded.

"This! I mean, you getting jealous, but you having a girlfriend. Me feeling horrible, like I'm not good enough to be in a relationship with Alpha Derek Moore. All the drama Jessica causes. I'm done ok? Talk to me when you only want me in the picture. Not some blonde slut who won't take no for an answer," I finished, stomping off.

Derek ran forward and grabbed my wrist.

"Don't do this," he begged.
"Ave, you've made me care so much in just a handle full of days. Don't leave me."

"That's not fair, Der. I put all that I can in to you, but you are never really with me. I refuse to waste my time on a mate that won't be my mate. Choose, Derek. Now," I said.

He looked deep into my eyes. I bore into his green-blue beauties intensely. Finally, I guess he saw what he was looking for.

"I choose you."

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to brighten. I felt so much happier and everything felt better. I smiled brightly at him.

"Perfect. Cuz it would've really sucked having to walk all the way home,"

Derek groaned.

"I see how it is. You just use me for my transportation."

"That. And the kisses."

"What kisses?" He asked, confused.

"These," I said, then met his lips with my own.

It was like fireworks sparkling across my lips as he kissed me back. It was like all your favorite things into one. The beach, Netflix and Hilarious jokes.

Soon, Derek took over the kiss, cupping my face in his hands. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer. After a moment, I needed air and pulled away.

"Well this is awkward," a voice croaked.

I turned to see Brandon there, fidgeting
I blushed.

"Oh, geesh. Sorry Brandon," I said, not meeting his eyes.

"Its fine. But, uh, I'm going to, uh, go,"

I nodded as he took off, then turned my attention back to a smiling Derek.

"So. Tell me, when are you breaking up with Skanky?"

"Tomorrow, beginning of school."

"Kiss was that good huh?"

He chuckled but didn't disagree. He held me close and I could hear his heart beat in his chest.

"I've been waiting to do that for too long," he breathed.

I giggled.

"I bet you have, Fido,"

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