Epilogue pt 1

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That's Brooklyn Maria above!
4 months later

So I'm sure you can guess, but JJ and I had our babies. She had her beautiful baby girl, named Brooklyn Maria.

I had my bouncing baby boys, Theo and Leo. My boys are the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Theo is the smart one, I can already tell. He's quiet, and peaceful.

While Leo, on the other hand, is a totally different story. He's loud, and boisterous, and very strong. He's also got a bit of a temper and a large set of lungs.

They both look so much like their father. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can tell them apart! JJ and I often schedule play dates for our little ones, and let me tell you!

Brooklyn is the sweetest, cutest little girl I've ever met! She could probably do baby modeling, no joke! (Ha! inside jokeBrooke_Dohoney )

Derek has been fairly busy as of late, now that the rogue problem is over, there is still a lot of work to be done. I've stepped up to be Luna, I took my training, which was a pain in the butt!

And I even joined the pack. My parents moved again. Guess where? Las Vegas. They're partying it up now that they're kid free. I'm just glade their having fun.

Hmm.... Let's see, what else? Oh! I met Derek's parents. I never got the chance before, but they're a very laid back, funny couple. They absolutely adore the twins.

We've gotten a lot of new pack mates too. Since the battle, I guess everybody heard about what I did. I think that they appreciate that a Luna could fight back too. So, our pack of about 350, went up to 867!

We are now one of the top 5 packs, and growing. Now here's the sad subject: Brandon. My best friend is in the prison cells. He hasn't gotten any better.

He sits in a corner all day and rocks. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't pay us any attention. He's a hollowed out shell. I go to visit him at least twice a week, if not more.

I talk to him, but he doesn't respond. I don't think he'll ever come back. But one really good thing did happen.

Derek proposed. That's right! We're getting married. When I came home from the hospital, he was there, ring in hand. It's so beautiful too.

We'll be getting married in September. It's the start of my favorite season: fall. I turned 18 a month before the twins were born. I also graduated.

It was hard being the size of a blimp, but I did it. Now, I'm a full time mom, or I'm planning my wedding. Things are better than ever, but I don't think I ever want anymore kids.

The boys are hard enough. Plus, being pregnant really does suck, it's not all gooey and crap like people say. I was constantly in pain, and I cried. All the time. No more kids.

But besides that, I'm really happy. I can't believe at one time I almost gave all this up. I

was such an idiot to ever try to let Derek go.

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