Old Habbits Die Hard

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I stayed away from Derek. It was really hard the first night, considering I was still in heat, but I ran a cold bath and slept in the tub.

I was fine. I blocked Derek from mind link, but I could since his restlessness. I stayed with JJ a lot. It's been a few day. I caught the flu or something.

I've been puking my guts out, and Derek seems to know. He's followed the rules. No contact, no talking. I haven't seen a glance of him.

It hurts. So much. But I can always sense him. I know he stays outside my room most the night, but he's always gone before morning.

JJ finally told Sam. That was.... Well....
JJ fidgeted nervously on the couch next to Sam. He watched her, worried. Then he switched his gaze to me.

Is she ok? He mouthed.

I hesitated. He saw that, and immediately, he grabbed her by the arms.

"Princess, tell me what's the matter now. Are you in danger? Are you hurt? Sick? What it it?" He questioned, concerned.

I looked down, the scene reminding me of my own mate.

"Sam? Promise me you won't be mad ok?" JJ begged.

He reluctantly nodded.

"I'm... Pregnant."

He was silent. He just stared. And for a second, just a second, I thought he'd abandon her. Then, A smile split across his face.

He laughed, standing up and pulling her with him. He lifted her off the ground and spun her, laughing joyfully.

She slowly started laughing too. I smiled sadly at their happy family. At least one of us is happy.

              •End of flashback•

JJ was showing me some of the baby clothes she had bought. She was telling me Sam wanted a boy, but she had a feeling it was a girl.

Suddenly, nausea took over and I ran out of the room, barely making it to the toilet.

"Avery? You're still sick? You sound really go to the doctor."

"I know. I promise I will, soon."

"No! Right now! Don't argue with the pregnant woman, you won't win," she threatened.

I smiled, then nodded. So she dragged me to the pack doctor, and after that, I numbly went to find Derek. I tracked his scent down outside.

He sat on the last step on the front porch, smoking a cigarette. I sat beside him as he let out a long puff of smoke.

"So I can see you now?" He wondered.

"Yeah," I said.

"Ooh, and talking too," he said hollowly.

"I wonder if I can touch you...." He trailed off, reaching over.

I felt so empty because he looked so utterly broken. He hesitated before his hand touched my cheek.

His whole body seemed to shudder for a moment before he took one last puff of his cigarette, then flicked it out.

Almost instantly, I was crushed to him.

"Have you heard the saying 'old habits die hard?' I used to smoke. A pack a day, sometimes. But after I met you, I stopped.

It's like, some people say if you start using dip, you can quit smoking. You're my new addiction. I need you all the time, or I start going through withdraw.

So I thought if I smoked, it might help with the pain," he explained, inhaling my scent deeply, then exhaling, like i was a cigarette.

"But no. Only the real deal helps," he finished.

I felt so sad, so worried, like something was gnawing on my insides.

"I know, I deserved it. I'm so sorry, baby, I'll never do it again! I just didn't want you to worry!

I knew you were in heat and girls are really hormonal when they're in heat, so I thought that I'd wait until you weren't anymore, but JJ told you before I could!" He said, bawling.

I clutched him closer, letting out a few tears myself.

"I forgive you. I love you," I whisper, just wanting his pain to stop.

He cried a little harder, maybe in relief? I don't know, but after he calmed down, I pulled away. God, he looked awful, but I probably looked just as bad.

"I love you so much, Ave. I promise I'll try to be better," he swears sincerely.

I nod, and smile weakly. Then I remember why I came out here for a reason.

"Derek, I have to tell you something," I start.

"What is it? Are you hurt? I know you were throwing up, but JJ said it was getting better."

"Wait, you talked to JJ? Ugh, never mind. Derek, I'm-I'm, oh god, why is this so hard to say? I'm pregnant!"

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