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"why do you need a job, I am earning right, baby " Park Bogum exclaimed
to his boyfriend who has put forward an unusual wish since the evening

"But I want to earn for my family, my little sister is about to enter college and my father has been working his ass off, so why not be a responsible son and start working" taehyung replied with a pout as he snuggled more closer to his boyfriend who gladly wrapped his arms around his waist

"I could pay for them, they are my family too and ---"

"I know, but I don't do anything in this big house all day, and you know how I like teaching student" taehyung cut him off as he sulked more,

"Okay, Okay, I am gonna talk to Mrs Lee, she was lately searching for a English teacher, are you okay with it "Bogum spoke immediately not wanting to further their argument, he knows nobody can win against taehyung ones he start his rambling over a wish

"More than okay" taehyung excitedly says as he pecked his lips,

He hadn't told his boyfriend about his real occupation, that he is a detective and this stubbornness lately was because of a mission that he has to accomplish at any cost. He planned on telling him after solving this case, their engagement will also be held after some months. He have relaince that Bogum will understand his situation like he has been doing.


"Thanks Mrs Lee, I promise I won't disappoint you "taehyung spoke determinately at the old lady around her late fifties

"I trust you, Moreover I was searching for a teacher just like you ---passionate and honest about their job"Mrs Lee --the principal of one of the famous college of Seoul, Hybe college, offered him a kind smile as she turned her head to the other youth in the room

"You are also welcome, JUNG HOSEOK, I have appointed you as our new dance teacher, I also expect a lot from you" Mrs Lee stated as she shook her hands with both young subordinates.

"you can take your leave now and you too Mr park" Mrs Lee said before getting engaged with the papers


Hoseok, Bogum and taehyung come out from the principal cabin walking towards the long corridor. They instantly mix with each other even though they just meet one hour before, maybe because of optimistic auro of Hoseok or maybe because of affable nature of taehyung and Bogum

"I live in Busan initially and came to Seoul to fulfil my goal, I don't know whether it will come to fruition but surely it will leave me contented" Hoseok replied to Bogum, he isn't planning to leave untill he get what he want

"You are dedicated, I see, I wish you achieve what you desire" Taehyung says as he recieved a smile from Hoseok,

"He is already appointed as a dance teacher, what else a person desires-- a stable job, some friends that you made and a ----"Bogum wriggled his eyebrows towards Hoseok who isn't a innocent bean to not understand his incomplete sentence.

"I am not committed, what about you two" hoseok questioned in return as they reached at the end of the corridor, where unusually a crowd of students has gathered, particularly around a specific site

"what is happening there" taehyung inquired getting a shrug from Bogum

"Let's see" hoseok says before they sprint towards the commotion

It looks like a-- fight between two young students, as they tried to dominate each other, throwing punches over one another. Taehyung was utterly disappointed by the students that surround them, instead of thwarting the insightful fight, they were cheering them up and recording the scene.

He saw how one of the student strangle the other as he pinned him down on the ground while folding his arm behind his back as he used his other hand to grip on the opponents hair, pulling it upward making the other groan in pain.

"I wouldn't mind killing you right now, but who would then say sorry Fucker, you really proved me how much of a scaredy cat you are, striking behind my back " taehyung heard the stronger of the two uttering to other whom he have pinned down

Taehyung couldn't tolerate it anymore, he barged through the students and gripped on the bicep of the stronger male pulling him up from the other male. He felt the pin drop silence, as the male turned and yanked his arm back

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" the unknown male shouted glaring daggers into Taehyung, the male was so agitated that it was tangible to taehyung but it didn't stop taehyung from showing his wraith too

"can I ask you what was happening here" taehyung calmly spoke albeit he was burning with outrage

"No" the young man responded curtly as he turned around probably to beat the beated student again

"How impudent, you really dare to beat him again, are you blind or so pathetic to not even forgive someone" taehyung griffted out, as he saw how Bogum helped the injured one, and Hoseok gripped the furious one to stop him from launching on the other for a fight

The students disperse into the respective classes after yelled by the Bogum who took the injured one to hospital by his car

"DAMN IT, fucking weakling" the furious male jerked Hoseok as he freed himself, viens popping on his neck as he pants to mollify his anger

"calm down, young man" Hoseok mutters as he checked the said male, founding blood oozing out from his right arm. The male seems unfazed, it seems he didn't even know he was injured

Hoseok touches the wound, getting a hiss from the male before his hand was slapped away

"He is helping you, you should be thankful instead of being a narsiccist brat" taehyung jumped between them, as he shoved the said male who glares at him in return. His long ebony hair was coverting his inky eyes that hold nothing but pure rage

"who asks for your help, do I? " the ebony haired male spoke, he wouldn't let a outsider to insult him and get away with it

"That shows the difference, everybody isn't impassive here, he helps because he ca---"Hoseok cut him off as he held the ebony haired male and drags him towards the school clinic, as one of the student guides him

"Sorry Taehyung, but first he need aids"


"It isn't that deep, however I have bandaged it and it will be healed in few days " the school nurse mutters as she went away to wash her hands

"What is your name, young man, I am Jung Hoseok, new dance teacher appointed" the ebony haired man snapped towards the new teacher, his neck cracking a little in the process,

"Jeon jungkook" the ebony haired male spokes dimly while getting down from the care bed, making his way out
of the clinic not before turning towards the kind teacher who offers him a smile




Stay tuned till the next update,
Be happy and be a taekooker


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